Contact Us

Dr. Vu's office


Oregon Health & Science University
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Mail code: CL4-V;  Lab: CLSB-4N097
2730 S.W. Moody Avenue,
Portland, OR 97201


Please contact Dr. Tania Vu for information regarding the availability of postdoctoral and graduate fellowship positions in the lab.

Useful links

OHSU Collaborative Life Sciences Building

OHSU Center for Spatial Systems Biomedicine

OHSU Knight Cancer Institute

Neuroscience Graduate Program

Cancer Target Discovery and Development (CTD2) initiative is a community resource project, making strides in turning genomic research into effective cancer treatments.

CTD2 Data Portal: Provides raw and analyzed primary data of chemical and genetic screens. 

CTD2 Dashboard: Provides access to validated data and the ability to view results assembled across multiple CTD2 Centers’ findings. It allows easy exploration by computational experts and those with little bioinformatics experience.

Oregon Nanoscience and Microtechnologies Institute