
Hepatocytic expression of human sodiumtaurocholate cotransporting polypeptide enables hepatitis B virus infection of macaques.  
Burwitz, et al. Nature Communications. 2017 Dec 15;8(1):2146. PMID: 29247188.

Ultrasensitive proteomic quantitation of Cellular signaling by digitized nanoparticle-protein counting.
Jacob T, Agarwal A, Ramunno-Johnson D, O'Hare T, Gönen M, Tyner JW, Druker BJ, Vu TQ. Scientific Reports. 2016 Jun 20;6:28163.   (PDF) PMID: 27320899.  

Multiplexed imaging reveals heterogeneity of PI3K/MAPK network signaling in breast lesions of known PIK3CA genotype.
Jacob, T., Gray, JW., Troxell, M. & Vu, TQ. Breast Cancer Res Treat, DOI: 10.1007/s10549-016-3962-1, 1-9 (2016). PMID: 27581127.

Mapping cancer signaling networks by an integrated multiplexed tissue imaging platform.
Roberts E, Jacob T, Garsha, K, Ramunno-Johnson D, Ventura, F., Korkola J, Ashworth-Sharpe J, Johnson D, Corless CL, Troxell ML, Barnes M, Gray J, Shanmugam K, Vu TQ. Technology. 2016 September 21; 04(03):174-193 .

Quantum dot for quantitative imaging: from single molecules to tissue.
Vu TQ, Lam WY, Hatch E, Lidke D. Cell and Tissue Research, 2015 Apr; 360(1):71-86. Review.

Heterogeneous intracellular trafficking dynamics of brain-derived neurotrophic factor complexes in the neuronal soma revealed by single quantum dot tracking.
Vermehren-Schmaedick A, Krueger W, Jacob T, Ramunno-Johnson D, Balkowiec A, Lidke KA, Vu TQ. Plos One 2014 Apr 14;9(4)

Aqeous red emitting silicon nanoparticles for cellular imaging: Consequences of protecting against surface passivation by hydroxide and water for stable, red emission.
Chiu SK, Manhat BA, DeBenedetti WJ, Brown AL, Fichter KM, Vu TQ, Eastman M, Jiao J, Goforth AM. Journal of Material Research  Vol 28 (02): 216-230)

Tracing the endocytic pathways and trafficking kinetics of cell signaling receptors using single QD nanoparticles.
Fichter  KM., and Vu TQ . Methods in Molecular Biology: Cellular and Subcellular Nanotechnology. (991:237-47)

One-Step Melt Synthesis of Water-Soluble, Photoluminescent, Surface-Oxidized Silicon Nanoparticles for Cellular Imaging Applications.
Beth A. Manhat, Anna L. Brown, Labe A. Black, J. B. Alexander Ross, Katye Fichter, Tania Vu, Erik Richman, and Andrea M. Goforth. Chem Mat. 2011. 

Kinetics of G-protein-coupled receptor endosomal trafficking pathways revealed by single quantum dots.
Fichter KM, Flajolet M, Greengard P, Vu TQ. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 107(43):18658-63, 2010.
Spatial structure and diffusive dynamics from single particle trajectories using spline analysis.
Long BR and Vu TQ. Biophysical Journal, 98(8):1712-21, 2010. 
Nanotechnology Research: Applications in Nutritional Sciences.
Srinivas PR, Philbert M, Vu TQ, Huang, Q, Kokini JL, Saos E, Chen H, Peterson CM, Friedl KE, McDade-Ngutter C, Hubbard V, Starke-Reed P, Miller N, Betz JM, Dwyer J, Milner J, Ross SA. The Journal of Nutrition. 140(1):119-24, 2010. 

Single Particle quantum dot imaging achieves ultrasensitive detection capabilities for Western immunoblot analysis.
Scholl B, Liu HY, Long BR, McCarty OJ, O'Hare T, Druker BJ, Vu TQ. ACS Nano, 3(6): 1318-28, 2009. 

Quantitative Analysis of Multivesicular Bodies (MVBs) in the Hypoglossal Nerve: Evidence that Neurotrophic Factors do not use MVBs for Retrograde Axonal Transport.
Altick AL, Baryshnikova LM, Vu, TQ, von Bartheld CS. J Comp Neurology, 514(6):641-57, 2009. 

Tracking Single Biomolecules in Live Cells Using Quantum Dots.
Series Eds: Yarmush, ML and Langer RS. Methods in Bioengineering Series. Fichter KM, Ardeshiri A, and Vu TQ. Artech House. 

Quantum Dot Hybrid Gel Blotting: A Technique for Identification of Quantum Dot-Protein/Protein-Protein Interactions. In: Nanoscale Molecular-Interaction Technologies in Manipulation of Biomolecules.
Vu TQ and Liu HY. Eds. Lee, JW and Foote, RS. Methods in Molecular Biology, 544:381-91, 2009.

Ligand-Bound Quantum Dots for Studying the Molecular Scale Dynamics of Receptor Endocytic Trafficking in Live Cells.
Sundara Rajan S, Liu HY, and Vu TQ. ACS Nano, 2(6), 1153-1166, 2008. 

Microcontact Printing of Quantum Dot Bioconjugate Arrays For Localized Capture and Detection of Biomolecules.
Pattani VP, Li C, Desai TA, and Vu TQ. Biomedical Microdevices, 10(3):367-73, 2008. 

Fabrication of Submicron IrO2 Nanowire Array Biosensor Platform by Conventional Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Process.
Zhang F, Ulrich B, Reddy RK, Venkatraman VL, Prasad S, Vu TQ, and Hsu ST. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 47(2):1147-1151, 2008. 

Distinct Extracellular Matrix Microenvironments of Progenitor and Carotid Endothelial Cells.
Vartanian KB, Kirkpatrick SJ, McCarty OJ, Vu TQ, Hanson SR, Hinds MT. J Biomed Mater Res A, (epub ahead of print), 2008. 

Related Patent: Nanoparticle Platforms for Sorting, Capture, and Placement of Cells.

Identification of Quantum Dot Bioconjugates and Cellular Protein Co-localization by Hybrid Gel Blotting.
Liu HY and Vu TQ. Nano Letters, 7(4):1044-9, 2007. 

Related Patent: A Method for Separation and Identification of Proteins Using Unconventional Gel Electrophoresis and Nanoparticle Quantum Dot Tags

Ligand Bound Quantum Dots for Intracellular Imaging of NeuralReceptors.
Vu TQ, Sundara Rajan S, and Liu HY. Proceedings of SPIE, Colloidal Quantum Dots for Biomedical Appliations, Vol. 6448, 2007.

Quantum Dots Monitor TrkA Receptor Dynamics in the Interior of Neural PC12 Cells.
Sundara Rajan S and Vu, TQ. Nano Letters 2006 Sep;6(9):2049-59. 

Quantum Dot Imaging in for Imaging and Diagnostics.
Vu TQ, Rajan SS. In: At the Building Block Level: Nanotechnology for Biology and Medicine, Editor: Silva, GA. Springer Scientific, (submitted)

Peptide-Conjugated Quantum Dots Activate Neuronal Receptors and Initiate Downstream Signaling of Neurite Growth.
Vu TQ, Maddipati R, Blute TA, Nehilla BJ, Nusblat L, and Desai TA. Nano Letters 5(4): 603-607, 2005. 

Stoichiometry-Dependent Formation of Quantum Dot-Antibody Bioconjugates: A Complementary Atomic Force Microscopy and Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Study.
Nehilla, BJ; Vu, TQ; Desai, TA. J. Phys. Chem. B. 109(44); 20724-20730, 2005. 

Ligand-conjugated quantum dots for targeted drug delivery to nerve cells.
Vu TQ, Maddipati R, Blute TA, Nehilla BJ, Nusblat L, and Desai TA. Proceedings of the Special Topic Conference on Microtechnologies, IEEE in Engineering in Biology and Medicine, Hawaii, pg.152-3, 2005. 

Activation of Neural Receptor Channels Using Neurotransmitter Conjugates Designed for Surface Attachment.
Vu TQ, Qian H, Standaert RF, Chowdhurry S, Pepperberg DR. Biomaterials, 25(14):1605-2195, 2005.