School of Nursing

Fall Prevention Research: Exploring Patient-Centered Approaches

Fall Prevention Banner

Dr. Kiyoshi-Teo and her team have been exploring patient-centered ways to reduce fall risks among older adults. Quantitative and qualitative results show that patient-centered communication strategies such as Motivational Interviewing show promise in engaging older adults in fall prevention.  

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STEADI Research: Patient Engagement in Fall Prevention Using Motivational Interviewing

What is STEADI?
STEADI (Stopping Elderly Accidents, Disability, and Injuries) is a fall prevention protocol issued by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  STEADI is considered to be the best fall prevention clinic practice and is routinely used at the OHSU Internal Medicine and Geriatrics clinic. Limited data exists for long-term impact of STEADI. The goal of this research is to evaluate whether a research-based, patient-centered communication approach, provided mostly by phone, will help STEADI patients to be more motivated to minimize fall risks.

Would the study be a good fit for me?
If you are over age 65, are given recommendations to reduce your fall risks at the OHSU Internal Medicine & Geriatric Clinic, and are interested in minimizing your fall risks, please consider participating in fall prevention research.

What would happen if I participated in the study?
If you decide to participate in the research study, you would:

  1. Meet with study staff via phone or video monthly or every 3 months
  2. Mail-in study calendar every month

Your study participation will last one year, and you will receive modest recognition for your time.
Study Information Sheet 

This study is funded by the National Institute of Nursing Research (K23 NR018672) and the Office of the Director, National Institute of Health.

Hiroko Kiyoshi-Teo, RN, PhD, Assistant Professor
Principal Investigator

Kathlynn Northrup-Snyder, PhD, RN, CNS, Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor

Jennifer Frey, Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist, Author

Erin Lemon, MN, RN, Clinical Instructor

Tiffany M. Caldwell, MSN, RN,  Clinical Instructor

Robynnelle Smith, BS, MA, DNP Student, Class of 2023

Janelle Renteria, BSN student, Class of 2024
Research Staff

Rosemary Breger, MPH Research Assistant 1
Research Staff

Miles White, BSN student, Class of 2022
Research Staff

Olivia Ochoa-Cosler, BS, BSN student, Class of 2021
Research Staff

Bryanna De Lima, MPH, Senior Data Analyst

Study mentors

Dr. Elizabeth Eckstrom, MD, MPH, is a Professor of Medicine and Chief of Geriatrics, Division of General Internal Medicine & Geriatrics at OHSU. She has pioneered the implementation of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Stopping Elderly Accidents, Death, and Injuries (STEADI) fall prevention initiative at OHSU since 2015.  Dr. Deborah Cohen, PhD, is a Professor at OHSU in the Department of Family Medicine. She is an experienced qualitative and mixed-methods researcher with a wide range of expertise in qualitative methods. Dr. Kerri Winters-Stone, PhD, is an Elnora E. Thompson Distinguished Professor at OHSU School of Nursing. She has an established track record of research programs and has expertise in conducting clinical trials on physical functioning and fall prevention for cancer survivors.  

STEADI Research: Engaging Older Adults in Fall Prevention Using Motivational Interviewing

STEADI 4-stage balance test


30-Second Sit-To-Stand

For your research-related payment