School of Nursing

Student Organizations

OHSU nursing students are involved in a number of student interest groups located across Oregon. Get involved and connected by seeking out your fellow students in these areas. 

Students find that participating in interest groups strengthens their sense of connection and belonging with their peers and student community. All are welcome and invited to participate as desired.

Black Student Nurses Umoja - The Black Student Nurses Umoja (BSNU) of OHSU mission is to provide a community for Black and African American diaspora-identified students within the OHSU School of Nursing undergraduate and graduate programs. BSNU aims to create a space where truth and respect are upheld within its members. Provide a safe and brave environment to discuss issues that affect the Black/African American community within OHSU and Oregon. Advocate for student experiences and uphold anti-racist culture in higher education and nursing. Connect and network within the profession and grow in professional development while contributing to URM pathways programs. BSNU also commits to celebrating Black/African American excellence, culture, and history.

Latinx Student Nurses Group - To promote, support and provide mentorship to the Latinx/Hispanic student community, both current and aspiring, through storytelling, resource sharing, cultural celebrations and peer support. We are committed to improving the visibility and accessibility of bicultural-bilingual providers by forming sustainable relationships with our local community and increasing diversity within the healthcare educational system. We welcome all LATINX students regardless of spoken language.

Men Embracing Nursing Diversity (MEND) - For the professional, social, and emotional support and development of men within the nursing profession; as space to critically and compassionately discuss issues uniquely impacting men in nursing; to understand the roles men play in the context of healthcare, and to celebrate the diversity of men within our profession; to confront patriarchal biases and practices, and to dispel self-limiting beliefs about masculinity.

Student Nurses Association Ashland - Ashland campus affiliate of the National Student Nurses Association (NSNA). The group is responsible for organizing functions, engaging students, and acting as a liaison between students and faculty.

Like the Student Nurses Association Ashland on Facebook

Nursing Students without Borders - a student run organization committed to addressing local and international health disparities, while expanding the perspective of the individual nursing student.

Nursing Students for Equity and Inclusion (NSEI) strives to enhance the nursing education experience by honoring all stakeholders' views as integral to program success. To meet this goal, NSEI provides space for peer support, self-care, and resource sharing; centering voices of members who self-identify as entering into the nursing field from a diverse background. NSEI fosters equitable healthcare practices and social justice allyship by providing additional education opportunities in these areas. NSEI strives to foster great faculty-student relationships within the framework of excellent scholarship and advancing health equity in the community. For contact information with your student group, email

Student Nurses Association of Klamath Falls- Klamath Falls campus affiliate of the National Student Nurses Association (NSNA). The SNA is committed to the professional growth and development of student nurses.

Like the Student Nurses Association of Klamath Falls on Facebook

Nursing Students without Borders - a student run organization committed to addressing local and international health disparities, while expanding the perspective of the individual nursing student. 

Student Nurses Association La Grande - La Grande campus affiliate of the National Student Nurses Association (NSNA). The SNA is dedicated to assisting student with career development and leadership opportunities.

Student Nurses Association of Monmouth (MSNA) - Monmouth campus affiliate of the National Student Nurses Association (NSNA). The SNA is a cohesive and supportive organization working toward a common goal of enriching our students and community. 

Student Nurses Association of Portland –Portland campus affiliate of the National Student Nurses Association (NSNA). The SNA is interested in personal growth, professional development, student advocacy and further advancement of leadership skills.

Graduate Nursing Senate - Fosters community across graduate-level nursing programs, promotes graduate nursing education, and provides a unified voice for graduate nursing concerns and issues.

OHSU All-Hill Student Council - The All-hill council is the governing body of all OHSU students and serves as a liaison between students, faculty, and administration throughout the OHSU campus.

Student organizations across OHSU Portland campus - A full listing of student organizations within the Schools of Nursing, Medicine, Dentistry, and Public Health.