von Gersdorff Lab

Senior Scientist and Principal Investigator: Henrique von Gersdorff

Available lab position

Our lab has an opening for a full-time Postdoctoral Fellow (Ph.D. in neuroscience or biophysics).
Learn more and apply.

Current lab members

Danica Bojovic
Graduate Student (co-mentorship with Anusha Mishra)
Email: bojovic@ohsu.edu

André Dagostin
Senior Research Associate
Email: dagostia@ohsu.edu

Alicia Geli
Senior Research Assistant
Email: gelia@ohsu.ed

Paulo Strazza Jr.
Research Associate
Email: strazza@ohsu.edu

Leonardo Tavares
Postdoctoral Fellow
Email: tavaresl@ohsu.edu

Colin Wakeham
Postdoctoral Fellow
Email: wakeham@ohsu.edu

Benjamin Zemel
Postdoctoral Fellow
Email: zemel@ohsu.edu

Employment Opportunities

Postdoctoral Fellow

If you are interested in working on our projects as a postdoctoral fellow, please send your CV and names of three references toHenrique von Gersdorff via email.

Graduate Student Program
Graduate students can enter the Gouaux lab via the Neuroscience Graduate Program.

Equity and inclusion are core values central to the Vollum Institute.
Read our Racial Equity Statement here.

The von Gersdorff Lab — through the years

Here are some photos of present and past members of the lab. Past members of the lab now have positions and labs in Belgium, Brazil, Colorado, England, Germany, Massachusetts, and Oregon. The lab has ongoing collaborations with several other groups located in Argentina, Brazil, California, Canada, Colorado, Germany, Italy, Japan, Maryland, Spain, and West Virginia.

von Gersdorff Lab members in 2016

Left to right: Owen Gross, Dennis Weingarten, Karina Leal, Marc Meadows, Henrique von Gersdorff, Nick Vyleta, Geetha Srinivasan

Members of the von Gersdorff and Taylor Labs in 2015

On September 23, 2015, OHSU’s School of Medicine selected “Synaptic Vesicle Exocytosis at the Dendritic Lobules of an Inhibitory Interneuron in the Mammalian Retina” as paper of the month. The research, published in Neuron, was a collaboration between members of the von Gersdorff and Taylor Labs.

Citation: Balakrishnan V, Puthussery T, Kim M-H, Taylor WR, von Gersdorff H. (2015) Synaptic vesicle exocytosis at the dendritic lobules of an inhibitory interneuron in the mammalian retina. Neuron 87:563-575.

Counterclockwise from top left: Veera Balakrishnan, Mean-Hwan Kim, Teresa Puthussery, Rowland Taylor, Henrique von Gersdorff

von Gersdorff Lab members in 2009

Left to right: Geng-Lin Li, Mean-Hwan Kim, Soyoun Cho, Geetha Srinivasan, Jun Hee Kim, Evan Vickers, Henrique von Gersdorff

von Gersdorff Lab members in 2004

Left to right: Jozsef Vigh, Geng-Lin Li, Bob Renden, Chris Kushmerick, Court Hull, Henrique von Gersdorff

von Gersdorff Lab members in 2001

Left to right: Henrique von Gersdorff, Ricardo Leão, Mary Palmer, Court Hull, Nigel Cooper, Holger Taschenberger

Contact information

Lab phone number

Lab location
Vollum Rm. 2415

Faculty support
Teresa Newton
Grants/Contracts Coordinator
Email: newtont@ohsu.edu
Phone: 503-494-5458

Mailing address
Henrique von Gersdorff Lab
Vollum Institute, OHSU
3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd.
Mail code L474
Portland, OR 97239-3098

Shipping address
Henrique von Gersdorff Lab
Vollum Institute, OHSU
3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd.
Dock 4, Vollum Rm. 2415
Portland, OR 97239-3098

Vollum Institute

3232 SW Research Drive
Portland, Oregon 97239