Williams Lab
Senior Scientist and Principal Investigator: John T. Williams
Current lab members
Omar Koita
Graduate Student
koita AT ohsu.edu
Joe Lebowitz, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor
lebowitz AT ohsu.edu
Joselinne Medrano
Graduate Student (co-mentored by Angela Ozburn, Ph.D.)
medranoj AT ohsu.edu
Jacob Munoz
Graduate Student
munozja AT ohsu.edu
Open Post Doc position

The Williams Lab is looking for a post doc to study the dendritic release of dopamine in the substantia nigra and Ventral Tegmental Area. The goal is to unlock the mysteries of dendritic release and transmission. To apply, email williamj@ohsu.edu.
Group photo from the 2018 JTW Neuroscience Retreat

1 Alec Condon, 2 Jeff Diamond, 3 James Brundege, 4 Will Birdsong, 5 Olivier Manzoni, 6 John Williams, 7 James Bunzow, 8 Vu Dang, 9 Hitoshi Morikawa, 10 Chris Fiorillo, 11 Erica Levitt, 12 Susie Ingram, 13 Aaron Roseberry, 14 Courtney Bouchet, 15 Brooks Robinson, 16 Paul Kramer, 17 Shane Hentges, 18 Mike Virk, 19 Veronica Alvarez, 20 Mike Beckstead, 21 Aya Matsui, 22 Carlos Paladini, 23 Chris Ford, 24 Seksiri Arrtamangkul, 25 Nidia Quillinan, 26 Kylie McPherson, 27 Stephanie Gantz, 28 Sweta Adhikary, 29 Emily Leff
Contact information
Lab phone number
Lab location
Vollum Rm. 2411
Faculty support
Teresa Newton
Grants/Contracts Coordinator
Email: newtont@ohsu.edu
Phone: 503-494-5458
Mailing address
John Williams Lab
Vollum Institute, OHSU
3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd.
Mail code L474
Portland, OR 97239-3098
Shipping address
John Williams Lab
Vollum Institute, OHSU
3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd.
Dock 4, Vollum Rm. 2411
Portland, OR 97239-3098