Facelift (Rhytidectomy)

Rhytidectomy, more commonly known as a facelift, has become one of the most popular and well-known forms of cosmetic surgery. The surgery helps remove or reduce wrinkling caused by lifting/tightening saggy tissue of the lower face and neck. The incisions are placed in front of and behind the ear in the natural creases of the skin and in areas which help hide the scars.
The degree of improvement depends upon the amount of wrinkling and sagging of tissues present before surgery. The results can be dramatic if wrinkling is marked, but may be more subtle if you are younger with early sagging.
A facelift is performed on an outpatient basis. You can resume non-stressful activities during the first week. In approximately 10 days you can wear makeup and resume most normal activities. Final healing can take several weeks.
Contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our experts
Forehead/brow lift
One of the earliest signs of aging is the drooping of the eyebrows. This causes the eyes to appear smaller or deeper set and accentuates crow’s feet (the wrinkles often found at the outer corners of the eyes). In addition, furrows may appear horizontally and vertically as the brow descends. These conditions can be dramatically improved with a forehead lift. Often, our providers will recommend this in conjunction with or in place of a facelift to enhance facial rejuvenation.
The incisions are made in such a way that they are hidden. The skin is separated and tightened. Some of the smaller muscles in the forehead which cause the deep furrowing may be weakened to reduce the severity of the frown lines. The procedure is frequently combined with a blepharoplasty in opening up and rejuvenating the eyes.
For the first week after outpatient surgery you may engage in relaxed activities, and then begin to resume normal activities the following week.
Facial sculpting and fat transfer
Facial sculpting is a procedure that involves liposhaving to remove fat from the face in order to create more favorable facial and neck contours. This is achieved through liposuction. Fat transfer is performed in areas of volume deficiency in the face and fat is taken from another area of the body. These procedures are normally done in conjunction with a facelift or blepharoplasty.
Following the procedure, bandages can be removed three to five days after outpatient surgery. Patients may resume normal activities within one week.