Oregon Pediatric Improvement Partnership

The Oregon Pediatric Improvement Partnership (OPIP) is a regional collaboration of public and private partners, including the Oregon Pediatric Society, Children’s Health Alliance, Oregon Academy of Family Physicians, Oregon Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs, Family Voices, Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative, Child Development and Rehabilitation Center, Oregon Health & Science University – Department of Pediatrics and representatives from the Oregon Health Authority.
The Oregon Pediatric Improvement Partnership (OPIP) is dedicated to building health and improving outcomes for children and youth by:
- collaborating in quality measurement and improvement activities across the state,
- supporting evidence-guided quality activities in clinical practices,
- incorporating the patient and family voice into quality efforts, and
- informing policies that support optimal health and development for all children and youth.
OPIP’s vision is to create a meaningful, long term collaboration of stakeholders invested in child health care quality, with the common purpose of improving the health of the children and youth of Oregon.
Colleen Reuland, M.S. (reulandc@ohsu.edu, 503-494-0456) serves as the Director of OPIP and RJ Gillespie, M.D., M.H.P.E. serves as the Medical Director and OPIP is based out of the Department of Pediatrics at OHSU.
OPIP is part of the National Improvement Partnership Network (NIPN).
To learn more about OPIP go to their website at www.oregon-pip.org.