Doernbecher Children's Hospital

Pediatric Hospice and Palliative Medicine Fellowship

Virtual Information Sessions

Interested in learning more? Join the Program Director and Associate Program Director for a virtual information session.

Sessions will cover:

  • Our program mission and values
  • Program highlights, including the clinical and educational curriculum
  • Living in Portland and working at OHSU
  • Q&A: breakout rooms to learn more about our adult and pediatric tracks

Sessions will be held virtually on:  

Tuesday April 2nd at 3:15pm pacific - Register here to reserve your spot!
Tuesday May 7th at 3:15pm pacific - Register here to reserve your spot!
Tuesday June 4th at 3:15pm pacific - Register here to reserve your spot!

Program Overview

Since 2002, the Hospice and Palliative Medicine training program at Oregon Health & Science University has trained hospice and palliative medicine physicians with the knowledge and skill to lead the advancement of compassionate, interdisciplinary, patient and family-centered, culturally competent care for seriously ill individuals through education, clinical care, scholarship, and advocacy. We strive to provide this training in an interprofessional, supportive, diverse, and inclusive educational environment where trainee wellbeing and professional development are our greatest priority. We collaborate with the Portland Veterans Health Care System training through a joint palliative care interprofessional fellowship program.

The Bridges Pediatric Palliative Care Program is a dynamic interdisciplinary group that has been in existence for over 15 years. We serve the hospice and palliative care needs of pediatric patients by working directly with children and their families in the hospital, outpatient, and home settings, as well as by working closely with hospice and palliative care partners in the community. We also have the privilege to work closely with OHSU’s Fetal Therapy Program, offering palliative care consultation to women whose pregnancy is complicated by fetal abnormality.

Fellows completing the program are eligible for board certification in Hospice and Palliative Medicine.

For more information about our program, including contact and application information, please see the Hospice and Palliative Medicine training program webpage.

Program Highlights

  • Solid foundations in adult hospice and palliative medicine within a pediatric-centered program (with more than 50% of the pediatric track fellow’s time dedicated to pediatric experiences)
  • Interdisciplinary training in conjunction with the Portland Veterans Hospital interprofessional palliative care fellowship, also comprising social work, chaplaincy, psychology trainees 
  • Faculty with significant expertise in serious illness communication education 
  • Faculty with significant medical ethics expertise  
  • Growing educational opportunities in integrative care
Image from the GME promotional video

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