Special Call Funding Opportunities
Not currently accepting applications for this type of grant. Check the How to Apply page for information on the current funding opportunity.
2022-2 Special Call: Cancer Screening Communication Plans
In July 2022, the Community Partnership Program issued a Special Call for proposals to increase the awareness and utilization of early cancer screening opportunities in local communities (the application deadline has passed).
In an effort to assist grantees with the development of a health communication plan this special call requires the use of the NIH/NCI Making Health Communications Programs Work (Aka the Pink Book) which uses an evidence-based approach to develop and implement a community-engaged cancer screening communication plan.
2019-1 Community Action Model Special Call
The January 2019 funding opportunity offered a stepped model to address an identified priority cancer issue in Oregon. Grants fund organizations to complete steps 1-5 of the Community Action Model, funding the process from a community needs assessment to implementation and evaluation of a policy, systems or environmental change to advance health equity. Grant duration was two years (up to $50,000 per year). Explore the Community Action Model.