Cardiac Rehabilitation

The cardiac rehabilitation program at OHSU can help you build cardiovascular fitness to reduce your risk of future heart problems and improve your overall well-being. Cardiac rehab also teaches you skills and strategies for healthy eating, stress management and healthy lifestyle habits.
OHSU's three-phase cardiac rehab program is tailored to meet your needs. Your program may include:
- A personalized exercise plan
- Blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes education and management
- Help to quit smoking
- Stress reduction and management advice
Our excellence
At OHSU, you’ll find:
- A team of doctors, exercise physiologists and registered dietitians who will help you regain your heart health.
- Our cardiac rehab program has been nationally certified by the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation.
- Our program is doctor-supervised and designed to meet your individual needs.
- OHSU’s march wellness & fitness center can help you continue your recovery on your own.
Who is cardiac rehab for?
You will be referred to cardiac rehabilitation after a major cardiac event, like a heart attack or stroke. Cardiac rehab is an important part of your recovery process. It can also help prevent further heart issues.
Medicare Part B (medical insurance) and most private insurers will cover cardiac rehab if you have had at least one of these conditions:
- A heart attack in the last 12 months
- Coronary artery bypass surgery
- Current stable angina (chest pain)
- A heart valve repair or replacement
- A coronary angioplasty (a medical procedure used to open a blocked artery)
- A coronary stent (a procedure used to keep an artery open)
- A heart or heart-lung transplant
- Stable chronic heart failure
What to expect at cardiac rehab
We’ll work with you to create a personalized cardiac rehabilitation plan. In your first appointment you can expect:
- A conversation with our exercise physiologist (exercise specialist) to go over goals and your current relationship with exercise
- A 1-on-1 exercise consultation
- A discussion about which healthy habits you can incorporate into your life
Your recovery has three phases. The experts at OHSU’s cardiac rehab program will talk with you about each phase of your personal recovery plan.
Recovery phase 1
The first phase happens inside the hospital or doctor’s office before you are discharged. Your doctor will:
- Talk to you about your condition and the best ways to manage it
- Go over your medications and make sure you know how and when to take them
- Introduce you to a dietitian who will talk with you about a heart healthy eating plan
Recovery phase 2
The second phase is the personalized cardiac rehab program we put together for you to aid in your recovery. You can expect:
- Exercise and education classes
- Prescriptions for exercise
- Symptom and recovery monitoring
- Help to quit smoking
Recovery phase 3
The third phase of your recovery happens on your own. You will have the tools and education you need to continue your independent exercise program:
- At home or outdoors
- In a community gym
- At march wellness & fitness center
Cardiac rehab treatments
Your cardiac rehab program is customized to your experience and your unique needs. Your plan might include one or more of these goals.
Exercise is an important part of your recovery. We will work with our medical team to create an exercise program specialized for you. We’ll help you improve your fitness, return to your normal daily activities and build a firm foundation of exercise habits.
Quit smoking
Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health. We have new ways to help you quit smoking, including behavior therapy and medicines. We’ll tailor a plan to your needs and medical history to help you quit smoking for good.
Manage blood pressure
Our team will work with your doctors to monitor your blood pressure. We can show you simple ways to change your habits to help keep your blood pressure at your goal level.
Lower cholesterol
We will monitor your blood cholesterol levels and work with your primary care provider to monitor or adjust your medicines. We will provide education on lifestyle strategies to lower your blood cholesterol.
Manage your diabetes
We will teach you how to monitor your blood glucose levels yourself. We’ll also work with your primary care provider to help you manage your diabetes. You can meet weekly with a registered dietitian, and we can refer you to our diabetes education center.
Reduce stress
As part of cardiac rehab, you will learn strategies to help manage stress. We’ll discuss lifestyle changes you can make as you adjust to a heart disease diagnosis. We also offer a monthly patient support group for you and your family.
march wellness & fitness center
Phase three of cardiac rehabilitation is about continuing new, healthy habits on your own. OHSU’s march wellness & fitness center can help you continue your recovery.
At march wellness & fitness center, we offer:
- Cardio fitness and strength training equipment
- Lap pool, warm water therapy pool, whirlpool spa and saline pools
- Group exercise classes
- Teaching kitchen
Cardiac rehab patient resources
Check out these resources to help you in your recovery.
Educational videos
- Stress, Anxiety, Depression and Cardiac Health: Licensed OHSU psychologist Dr. Amy Kobus discusses the benefits of behavioral health for cardiac health. Learn why you should decrease stress, improve sleep habits and pursue a heart healthy diet.
- Diabetes and Heart Disease: Healthy Eating with Diabetes: OHSU registered dietitian Don Kain discusses the impact of diabetes on heart disease and how healthy eating can prevent complications.
For patients
Call 503-494-3151 to:
- Request an appointment
- Ask questions
OHSU Knight Cardiovascular Institute Cardiology Clinic, South Waterfront
Center for Health and Healing, Building 1, seventh floor
3303 S. Bond Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97239
Free parking for patients and visitors
Refer a patient
- Refer your patient to OHSU.
- Call 503-494-4567 to seek provider-to-provider advice.