DOHaD Summer Course 2021: The Next Frontier in Science

Thank you to everyone who attended our very first summer DOHaD course! We apologize for technical difficulties that left us with only one day of the course recorded. Thank you for your patience. You can view the recording from day 1 here. Below you will find the presentations from the course.
The OHSU Center for Developmental Health has one of the world’s largest and most established research groups in Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, or DOHaD. This course is designed specifically for graduate students, post-docs and early career scientists. We are looking forward to offering this class annually and in-person, beginning in 2022.
Speakers and Presentations
Paula Amato, M.D., OHSU
Assisted Reproductive Technology and DOHaD: Epidemiological Evidence from Humans
Meghan Azad, Ph.D., University of Manitoba
Human Milk: The Ultimate Superfood & Personalized Medicine
Andrea Edlow, M.D., M.Sc., Harvard Medical School
The Impact of Maternal SARS-CoV-2 Infection on Pregnancy and the Placenta
George Giraud, M.D., Ph.D., OHSU
DOHaD Risks for Cardiovascular Disease
Meredith Kelleher, Ph.D., OHSU
Impact of Prematurity on DOHaD
Christopher Kroenke, Ph.D., OHSU
Critical Periods in Brain Development
Jonathan Lindner, M.D., FASE, FACC, OHSU
New Approaches to Evaluating Maternal Cardiovascular Health in Animal Models
Jamie Lo, M.D., M.C.R., OHSU
Impact of Environmental Perturbations on Placental Perfusion and Function
Ilhem Messaoudi, Ph.D., University of California Irvine (soon to be University of Kentucky College of Medicine)
Modulation of Immune Development and Maturation in the Offspring by Maternal Environment
Lynne Messer, Ph.D., M.P.H., OHSU-PSU School of Public Health
DOHaD in the Context of Epidemiology and Public Health
Terry Morgan, M.D., Ph.D., OHSU
Uteroplacental Pathology and DOHaD: Important Gaps in Knowledge
Leslie Myatt, Ph.D., F.R.C.O.G., OHSU
The Placenta, Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes and Long-Term Consequences for Cardiovascular Health
Susan Ozanne, Ph.D., BS.c., University of Cambridge Institute of Metabolic Science, England (Keynote speaker)
Programming and Type-2 Diabetes - the Role of Epigenetics
Kent Thornburg, Ph.D., OHSU
Lisa Vrooman, Ph.D., OHSU
Cardiometabolic Effects in Experimental Models of Assisted Reproductive Technologies
David Weinberg, Ph.D., Eunice Kennedy Shriver Institute of Child Health and Human Development (Keynote speaker)
The Human Placenta Project - and the importance of placenta research