Patient/Medical Exercise Program

Medical Exercise image

Medical Exercise Program

You can be referred to the Medical Exercise Program (MEP) to work on a variety of health concerns.  Through individualized plans we will provide you with options and tools to make meaningful, positive changes.  The program foundations are personal responsibility, group support and education. We work with you throughout the entire program and afterward to ensure your success.

The program is designed to:

  • foster success
  • help people achieve their goals
  • manage specific medical conditions
  • achieve a consistent fitness program

Exercise isn't the only factor that defines whether or not you're healthy. Everything in your life affects your overall sense of well-being. We acknowledge the many facets of your life that affect your well-being, and take a comprehensive approach to fitness and health.

Who will benefit?

People with conditions such as:

  • diabetes
  • high blood pressure
  • metabolic syndrome
  • high cholesterol
  • arthritis
  • cardiovascular disease
  • Parkinson's
  • osteoporosis
  • cancer
  • fibromyalgia
  • bariatric surgery
  • People working on:
  • weight reduction
  • post-rehabilitation from injury or surgery
  • lifestyle change (new to exercise)
Six participants following instructors directions for exercises in a Parkinson’s class.


Three months at the South Waterfront facilities:  $449

OHSU patients referred by their provider receive a 50% discount.

The MEP is reserved for referred patients with medical needs who are new to march wellness & fitness center.


  • march membership which includes full access to facilities, programs, and events
  • educational support groups; cardiovascular essentials, strength training, goal setting, diabetes, cancer and nutrition
  • regular contact from staff  to motivate you and discuss your progress, success and challenges
  • pre-assessment and post-assessment
  • initiation fee is waived for those who roll over into membership after the completion of three months
  • written physician approval is required prior to using the center


If you would like more information, please schedule a tour of the facility which includes a review of the program. If you decide the program is right for you we can begin the enrollment process.

In person: Center for Health & Healing (bottom of the tram) second floor

Phone: 503-418-6272


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MEP member extolls the benefits of the program.