Rachel Suen, L.M.T.

Picture of Rachel Suen with black march wellness polo shirt

Rachel Suen, L.M.T.

From an early age, Rachel has always aimed for a career in health and wellness. She went from studying biochemistry to psychology to massage therapy during her time in college and after. She received her A.S. in Natural Sciences, and her B.A. in Psychology from California State University, East Bay in Hayward. Rachel then went on to go back to school at the National Holistic Institute in Emeryville, where she received her CA State Certification in Massage Therapy. She’s now in her 5th year of being a massage therapist. With her style, she incorporates Therapeutic Deep Tissue, Swedish & Sports massage to help her clients achieve their goals, whether it is to reduce pain, improve daily bodily functions or to simply relax.

Through her studies, Rachel began to understand the importance of mind-body integration and began thinking about the fast-paced society that we currently live in today where health and wellness is considered a luxury when it shouldn’t be. Rachel recognizes the importance of maintaining and strengthening the body, mind, and soul on a regular basis. She believes that through massage therapy, one can slow down from everyday life to regain connection with oneself. To Rachel, massage therapy is the integration between Eastern/Western approaches to health and medicine, creating a holistic, empathetic & beneficial way to help one’s needs. Her mission when working with you is to create a strategy for your session through understanding and communication.

Whether you are looking to relieve tension, reduce pain, improve mobility, or to simply have a relaxing, therapeutic massage, each session is catered to you and your needs. Every movement and pressure is delivered with intent and confidence on the human body. With Rachel, you can expect a massage therapist who is compassionate, intuitive, and experienced.

Contact Rachel