Current Residents
Click on any year to expand the section and read about the residents.
Kate Hutchison

Hometown: Evanston, IL
Medical School: University of Pennsylvania
Fellowship Plans: Orthopaedic Trauma, Indiana University
Personal Interests: Skiing, running, ultimate frisbee, hiking and knitting
Favorite Things About Portland: Farmer's markets, bike-ability and mountain views
Mackenzie Kelly

Hometown: Portland, OR
Medical School: OHSU
Fellowship Plans: Adult Reconstruction, University of Utah
Personal Interests: Fly fishing, beekeeping, trail running and skiing
Favorite Things About Portland: Inclement weather, Burgerville, Mount Hood, Timbers games, salmonberries and Forest Park
Phillip Lam

Hometown: Portland, OR
Medical School: OHSU
Fellowship Plans: Hand, Upper Extremity, and Microsurgery, University of Maryland
Personal Interests: Building computers and learning about advancements in technology, practicing and learning judo (have been practicing for 15 years), playing other sports and being active
Favorite Things About Portland: Trying out new food places (restaurants, pubs/breweries, food carts) around the city, watching the ongoing development of the city
Sarah Lindsay

Hometown: Greenwood Village, CO
Medical School: Stanford School of Medicine
Fellowship Plans: Orthopaedic Oncology, University of Toronto
Personal Interests: Spending time with family and friends, reading, traveling and all outdoor activities (Favorites include backpacking, trail running, horseback riding, SCUBA diving and skiing)
Favorite Things About Portland: I love the accessibility of both the beaches and the mountains. There are so many beautiful state parks and recreation areas to explore. Portland is a wonderful city with very kind people, great book stores, and amazing food
Kyle Minkel

Hometown: San Luis Obispo, CA
Medical School: Western University of Health Sciences
Fellowship Plans: Sports Medicine, Mammoth Orthopedic Institute
Personal Interests: Backpacking, surfing, fly fishing, ski/snowboarding and playing with my pups
Favorite Things About Portland: Accessibility to the coast, gorge and surrounding mountains, parking on the left side of the street and dog friendly establishments
Jordan Arakawa

Hometown: Olympia, WA
Medical school: Oregon Health & Science University
Fellowship: Undecided
Personal interests: I enjoy spending time with my wife and dog, hanging out with friends and family, working out, and playing board games
Favorite things about Portland: My favorite things about Portland are the amazing food and drink scene, bike / walkability of the city, the beautiful surrounding nature, and the PNW summers
Sarah Hanna

Hometown: Federal Way, WA
Medical school: Oregon Health & Science University
Fellowship plans: Enthusiastically undecided
Personal interests: Spending time with my fiance and dog, hiking, skiing, reading, golf
Favorite things about Portland: Abundant outdoor activities and mild weather to do them in
Aidan Morrell

Hometown: Newberg, OR
Medical school: Virginia Commonwealth University
Fellowship plans: Undecided
Personal interests: Hiking, biking, weightlifting, track & field, and competitive marksmanship
Favorite things about Portland: Heart Coffee, Ken's Artisan Pizza, and trips to Mt. Hood and Cannon Beach with friends and family
Katherine Velicki

Hometown: Garden Grove, California
Medical school: Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
Fellowship plans: Undecided
Personal interests: Trail running, road cycling, backpacking, skiing, painting, ceramics (hand building), and sustainability in surgery
Favorite things about Portland: Clean air and delicious tap water, unlimited trail running in Forest Park, waking up to Willamette River views, fantastic food, thriving art scene, and culture of environmental appreciation
Sebastian Welling

Hometown: Juneau, AK
Medical school: University of Washington School of Medicine
Fellowship plans: Undecided
Personal interests: Skiing, hiking, camping, and walks with my wife and dog
Favorite things about Portland: I love being able to drive to the beach or the mountains within 2 hours, and all the trails, lakes and rivers in between
Amador Bugarin, Jr.

Hometown: Norwalk, California
Medical School: UCLA/Drew
Fellowship Plans: Undecided
Personal Interests: Tennis, golfing, fishing, grilling, hiking, and watching movies/anime
Favorite Things About Portland: Everything is so green and proximity to outdoors is unparalleled! Also, it has a great food and drink scene.
Calvin Englert

Hometown: Windsor, Colorado
Medical School: University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry
Fellowship Plans: Undecided
Personal Interests: Spending time with my wife and son, guitar, trail running, skiing, surfing, cooking and baking
Favorite Things About Portland: Ease of access to ocean and mountains, trail running in Forest Park, lots of good coffee shops, and Ken’s Artisan Bakery
Isaac Lapite

Hometown: Eugene, OR
Medical School: Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
Fellowship Plans: Undecided
Personal Interests: All things fitness and sports, live music, NPR Tiny Desk Concerts
Favorite Things About Portland: The outdoor adventures and unlimited food options as well as that my family is close
Yash Tarkunde

Hometown: Sugar Land, TX
Medical School: Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
Fellowship Plans: Undecided
Personal Interests: I love playing basketball, hiking/backpacking, biking, baking, and spending time with my fiancée, friends, and family
Favorite Things About Portland: The emphasis on bike-ability, the incredible trails and mountain views nearby, the short distance to the beautiful Oregon coast, but most of all, the lack of humidity!
Stephanie Zhao

Hometown: Beaverton, OR
Medical School: Oregon Health and Science University
Fellowship Plans: Undecided
Personal Interests: The outdoors (hiking, rock climbing, swimming), volleyball, crafting, music, and spending time with the dogs
Favorite Things About Portland: The mountains, forests, and water. It is such a beautiful place with so many things to do both indoors and outdoors
Nicholas Collar

Hometown: Deerfield, Wisconsin
Medical school: Medical College of Wisconsin
Fellowship plans: Undecided
Personal interests: Skiing, road biking, backpacking —anything that gets me outdoors— and of course, the Green Bay Packers.
Favorite things about Portland: The food and beer here is phenomenal, especially following a day doing any of my favorite things!
Hanne Gehling

Hometown: Walla Walla, WA
Medical school: Oregon Health & Science University
Fellowship plans: Undecided
Personal interests: Horseback riding, cooking, rock climbing, trail running, spending time with family on the Oregon Coast
Favorite things about Portland: Proximity to beautifully wild coastlines and mountains, with never-ending chances to explore!
Tasha McKibben

Hometown: Eatonville, WA
Medical school: Oregon Health & Science University
Fellowship plans: Orthopaedic Trauma
Personal interests: Outdoor adventures, snowboarding, CrossFit, motorsports, playing with my dogs.
Favorite things about Portland: Access to all my favorite outdoor activities from the coast to mountains as well as abundance of great coffee and beer.
Julia Silver

Hometown: Salem, OR
Medical school: Tulane University
Fellowship plans: Foot/Ankle or Sports
Personal interests: Baking to satisfy my dessert addiction, reading works by female and BIPOC authors, running in nature, dancing.
Favorite things about Portland: Enjoying Portland’s beautiful bounty of fresh produce, wine country, and proximity to family.
Josh Yuan

Hometown: Portland, OR
Medical school: Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
Fellowship plans: Undecided
Personal interests: Basketball, tennis, listening to podcasts, working out.
Favorite things about Portland: Watching the Blazers and Timbers, trying new food carts and coffee shops, and having family nearby.
Caellagh Catley

Hometown: Superior, Colorado
Medical school: Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
Fellowship plans: Undecided
Personal interests: Trail running, backpacking, climbing, skiing, traditional Irish music, and pottery
Favorite things about Portland: The great food scene, bike-friendly streets, huge trees, proximity to mountains and coast, and the community in and out of the hospital
Madison Hayes-Lattin

Hometown: Portland, OR
Medical school: Tufts University School of Medicine
Fellowship plans: Undecided
Personal interests: Skiing, biking, running, watching women’s sports, and reading
Favorite things about Portland: Proximity to Mt. Hood, Forest Park trails, Thorns games, great coffee, and lots of trees
Brett Jones

Hometown: Seattle, Washington
Medical school: Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine Washington State University
Fellowship plans: Undecided
Personal interests: Skiing, basketball, kite boarding, spending time with family and friends, and Husky Football
Favorite things about Portland: Access to the coast, Hood River, mountains and exploring Portland’s food and bar scene
Maia Shoham

Hometown: Palo Alto, CA
Medical school: Stanford University School of Medicine
Fellowship plans: Undecided
Personal interests: Cooking, outdoor activities, spending time with family
Favorite things about Portland: Great beer and even better food, everything being green, and proximity to the outdoors
Samhita Swamy

Hometown: Memphis, TN
Medical school: University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Fellowship plans: Undecided
Personal interests: Backcountry skiing, rock climbing, mountain biking, cooking
Favorite things about Portland: The food, the nature and nearby mountains
Naomi Turner

Hometown: Bloomington, MN
Medical School: University of Minnesota Medical School
Fellowship Plans: Arthroplasty, Washington University, St. Louis, MO
Personal Interests: I enjoy playing volleyball, baking, hiking, camping and travel. I also love spending time with my husband and catahoula leopard dog, Hertz
Favorite Things About Portland: We haven't been in Portland long, but our favorite things about the city so far are the great food/drink scene and the beauty of the surrounding landscape, with as much hiking/camping as we could want!
Michelle Lawson

Hometown: Seattle, Washington
Medical School: University of Rochester
Fellowship Plans: Orthopedic Trauma, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN
Personal Interests: Hiking, good food, reading, Seattle sports
Favorite Things About Portland: The amazing restaurants and the mountains
Danielle Peterson

Hometown: Mill Creek, WA
Medical School: University of Washington School of Medicine
Fellowship Plans: Trauma, UC Davis, Sacramento, CA
Personal Interests: Baking, hiking, skiing, rock climbing, amateur carpentry, Cougar football
Favorite things about Portland: Exploring Portland’s delicious food scene and experiencing the beautiful outdoors surrounding the city
Frank Rodgers

Hometown: Columbia, S.C.
Medical School: University of South Carolina School of Medicine
Fellowship Plans: Arthroplasty, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Personal Interests: Spending time with my dog and wife, entertaining friends with dinner or a cookout, live music, college football and everything outdoors: hiking, camping, cycling, sailing, golf and skiing
Favorite things about Portland: The bike-ability!!! I ride to work, dinner, and everything else within the city, at all hours with a complete feeling of safety
Laura Sokil

Hometown: Lower Merion, PA
Medical School: Thomas Jefferson University
Fellowship Plans: Foot and Ankle, Mercy Medical Center, Baltimore, MD.
Personal Interests: Figure skating, cooking/baking, music, gardening, hiking
Favorite things about Portland: The people are really friendly, there's no humidity, stunning mountain views on clear days and, of course, all the amazing food
Hometowns of current orthopaedic residents