For Health Care Professionals

We recognize the importance of physician-to-physician relationships in the healing process. As Oregon's only academic health center, we are committed to partnering with the region's physicians to care for their patients' orthopaedic needs. We make it easy to refer a patient, arrange a consultation or learn about educational opportunities.
Stay connected with your patient's care at OHSU
If you refer patients to OHSU or OHSU Doernbecher Children's Hospital, you can now track your patient's care in real time with EpicCare Link.
Continue your education
OHSU sponsors continuing professional development activities for physicians and other healthcare specialists in a wide variety of clinical areas, with special emphasis on primary care.
Find information about conferences, lectures, Grand Rounds and training opportunities.
Refer a patient
- Refer your patient to OHSU.
- Call 503-494-4567 or 800-245-6478 for provider-to-provider advice.
Traveling CME brochure
Learn about the OHSU Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation traveling Continuing Medical Education sessions now available at your practice.
Oregon Journal of Orthopaedics
Read The Oregon Journal of Orthopaedics, our resident-published journal. Visit our OJO page