High School Athlete Program

Our high school athlete program is a unique partnership between local high schools and our sports medicine clinic to provide injury prevention and treatment resources to student athletes. We work with athletes, coaches and parents on injury prevention and help to manage athletic injuries, so student athletes can return to their sports safely and quickly.

Sports injuries

We offer a variety of prevention and sports injury programs:

  • Medical coverage at high school events (email us to find out more)
  • Preseason physicals
  • Educational programs on injury prevention
  • On-site athletic trainers

Call 503-494-4000 for more information.

Injuries are an unfortunate yet common part of athletics. As athletes get stronger, faster and more competitive, injuries such as concussion become increasingly likely as well.

Younger athletes may recover more slowly from concussions than adults do because their brains are still developing, so it's important to learn how to prevent concussions, and to treat them early when they do happen. Read more about concussion symptoms.

How do I know if I'm recovered from a concussion?

One way we evaluate if you're okay to return to your sport is through a computer-based test called ImPACT. ImPACT can help identify changes in the brain that can help manage recovery from concussion and return to play.

You can have ImPACT testing done before or after a concussion: If you are using ImPACT testing after having a concussion, you will also need a separate appointment with a doctor to be medically cleared to return to sports.

Our program is one of only two locations in Oregon offering this testing. We can test athletes individually or provide testing for a group or team at OHSU or your school.

Our impact on public policy

Our team is actively involved in outreach and policy changes to help decrease contact in sports to minimize injuries such as concussion.

The Center for Health Promotion Research is committed to excellence in education, training and dissemination of evidence-based health promotion programs to schools, community groups and the workplace. The Center facilitates translation of research programs to the ‘real world’ and ensures success by critical evaluation. The Award winning ATLAS and ATHENA programs are disseminated through the Center. Program dissemination and partnerships bring these innovative and effective strategies from research to public service.

Recapturing the Healthy Mission of Sport

Seven and a half million students are engaged in school-sponsored athletics in the United States. School sports, however, do not safeguard these young athletes from drug use or other unhealthy behaviors. Drugs, alcohol, steroids and disordered eating practices have entered the world of high school sports at an alarming rate. In 1993, 1 in every 45 high school students reported using anabolic steroids. During the past 3 years, the number of users is 1 in 20. The ATLAS and ATHENA programs help recapture the healthy mission of sport through effective substance abuse prevention and health promotion education. With ATLAS and ATHENA, schools can provide their student athletes with the best equipment for a healthy life.

To order materials or for additional information:

E-mail: chpr@ohsu.edu

Phone: 503-418-4166 

Fax: 503-494-1310

ATLAS (Athletes Training and Learning to Avoid Steroids) is an award winning, scientifically proven program for male athletes. Its multiple components provide healthy sports nutrition and strength-training alternatives to the use of alcohol, illicit and performance-enhancing drugs. ATLAS is peer-led and gender specific. It is interactive, engaging and easy to implement by coaches during the sport season.

A coach and selected student athletes called “Squad Leaders” lead the program. The program materials are completely scripted and easy to follow. Little or no preparation is needed. There are 10 sessions for ATLAS. Each session lasts 45 minutes. Sessions are typically scheduled once per week during the season on a “light” practice day. Coaches facilitate the program, keep athletes on task, and introduce and wrap up student-led activities. Squad Leaders provide a majority of the instruction for their small group of teammates. Sessions include role-plays, student-created campaigns or public service announcements and instructional, interactive games. Athletes practice goal setting and self-monitoring of nutrition behaviors. Students learn attitudes and skills that will help them make healthy choices in sports and throughout their lives. Read more about ATLAS from the SAMHSA (Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration) and NREPP (National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices).

ATLAS results

  • Decreased new alcohol and drug use
  • Reduced steroid use
  • Reduced supplement use
  • Fewer drinking and driving occurences
  • Improved nutrition and exercise practices
  • Students believed they were better athletes
  • Greater ability to refuse drugs

ATLAS research findings 

For more information: call 503-418-4166 or email chpr@ohsu.edu

ATHENA (Athletes Targeting Healthy Exercise and Nutrition Alternatives) is a scientifically proven program for female athletes. ATHENA addresses the connection between young women in sports, disordered eating behaviors and body shaping drug use. Its multiple components provide healthy sports nutrition and strength-training alternatives to the use of alcohol, illicit and performance-enhancing drugs. ATHENA is peer-led and gender specific. It is interactive, engaging and easy to implement by coaches during the sport season.

A coach and selected student athletes called "Squad Leaders" lead the program. The program materials are completely scripted and easy to follow. Little or no preparation is needed. There are 8 sessions for ATHENA. Each session lasts 45 minutes. Sessions are typically scheduled once per week during the season on a "light" practice day. Coaches facilitate the program, keep athletes on task, and introduce and wrap up student-led activities. Squad Leaders provide a majority of the instruction for their small group of teammates. Sessions include role-plays, student-created campaigns or public service announcements and instructional, interactive games. Athletes practice goal setting and self-monitoring of nutrition behaviors. Students learn attitudes and skills that will help them make healthy choices in sports and throughout their lives. Read more about ATHENA at NREPP (National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices) site.

ATHENA results

  • Reduced use of diet pills
  • Less use of steroids, amphetamines and sport supplements
  • Improved nutrition
  • Less riding in a car with a drinking driver
  • Less new sexual activity
  • Fewer injuries
  • Less long term use of diet pills, alcohol and marijuana

For more information: call 503-418-4166


Our Certified Athletic Trainer can evaluate your injury and help develop a plan of care for rapid and safe return to your game. Sessions are 30 minutes long and cost $50. This a good option if you don’t have a school trainer, or want rehabilitation and training designed for your sport.

OHSU Sports Medicine Clinic
Center for Health & Healing, Bldg 1
3303 S.W. Bond Ave., 12th Floor 
Portland, OR 97239

Schedule an appointment

Call 503-494-4000

No referral necessary

Refer a patient

Support student athletes

Help put ATLAS and ATHENA programs in schools.

Convient locations

OHSU Center for Health & Healing
Building 1, 12th floor
3303 S. Bond Avenue
Portland, OR 97239

OHSU Beaverton
15700 S.W. Greystone Court
Beaverton, OR 97006

Gabriel Park
4411 S.W. Vermont
Portland, OR 97219

Orenco Station
6355 N.E. Cornell Rd #100
Hillsboro, OR 97124

Team physicians for Portland State University

OHSU's Sports Medicine program provides the official team physicians for Portland State University varsity athletes.

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