About Us
Our mission
Our mission is to protect and promote the health and well-being of our patients. We are dedicated to the best use of medications to provide safe and effective care.The Department of Pharmacy Services offers select resources to assist healthcare providers in the management of OHSU patients.
Pharmacy services

The department provides pharmacy services to both inpatients and outpatients of OHSU. Staff members are available to provide drug information to the University's professional staff, and to participate in education and training programs. These services are provided by pharmacists practicing in a number of decentralized inpatient and outpatient practice areas. In addition, the staff of the Drug Information Center is available to assist affiliated professional staff at OHSU with their drug information needs. OHSU supports a fully integrated electronic health care record in all inpatient and ambulatory care areas, including computerized prescriber order entry for all OHSU inpatients. Automated dispensing technology is used in most patient care areas.
OHSU pharmacists serve as preceptors to in-state and out-of-state pharmacy students, technicians in training programs, and pharmacy residents in the Portland Metro area.
The Department of Pharmacy Services operates three postgraduate training programs: a pharmacy practice residency and specialty residencies in health-system pharmacy administration and pharmacy informatics.
Outpatient prescriptions and patient care are provided by seven pharmacies serving adult outpatients, pediatric outpatients/discharge patients, ophthalmology patients and clinic patients. Specialty Pharmacy Services offer support services for Rheumatology, Fertility, Transplant, Hepatitis C, Hemophilia, Neutropenia, and Multiple Sclerosis. Automated dispensing technologies are used in the outpatient pharmacies. A Medications Assistance Program is available to help medically indigent patients obtain their medications.
Ambulatory Pharmacy Oncology Infusion Services at OHSU aim to ensure the safe and accurate administration of chemotherapy to patients with cancer. We are dedicated to help providers and patients manage your medication care during the course of your treatment. Our goal is to extend the quality of the renowned treatment OHSU is known for to your neighborhood.
As Oregon's only academic health center, our trained pharmacist and pharmacy technicians extend this quality by serving patients in the Center for Health & Healing Infusion Center, Doernbecher Children's Hospital Infusion Center, The Center for Hematological Malignancies, and Pacific Oncology, our distributed oncology centers in Beaverton, NW Portland, Tualatin, and Gresham.
Patient evaluation, including identifying potential and actual medication-related problems and preventing and resolving medication-related problems, is provided by OHSU decentralized clinical pharmacists and Oregon State University College of Pharmacy faculty in all patient care areas. OHSU Centers of Excellence include: solid organ transplantation, pediatrics/neonatology, critical care, infectious diseases, women's health, neurology and oncology/bone marrow transplantation. The department also operates a drug information service, research pharmacy service, and a drug policy program.