Emergency Medicine

Medical Toxicology Fellowship Curriculum

The Medical Toxicology Fellowship Program is a two-year training program for physicians who have trained in a U.S. Emergency Medicine residency. Unfortunately, we cannot accept fellows who are on a visa. The program prepares the fellow for board certification in medical toxicology. The goals of the fellowship are to provide an excellent experience in a broad range of areas related to medical toxicology and to facilitate in-depth training in an area of emphasis chosen by the fellow.

The Fellowship uses a combination of didactic teaching, bedside consultation, and Poison Center consultation to meet the core of its educational goals and prepare the Fellow for Board Certification.

Typical Day

A typical day for our fellows is to meet at the Poison Center at 9am and identify inpatient consultations. We see inpatient consultations in both the Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) and the Doernbecher Children's Hospital (DCH). After consultations, we then convene with a small group to discuss current Poison Center cases - we call this "Poison Center rounds". There is typically a team doing the Toxicology rotation that includes an Emergency Medicine resident, several medical students, residents from other specialties (e.g. pediatrics, family medicine, preventive health), a pharmacy student, fellows from other specialties (e.g. Critical Care, Addiction Medicine, Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Addiction Psychiatry), the medical toxicology fellows and toxicology faculty. There is a scheduled didactic every afternoon that includes (please see the schedule for details) a variety of presentations from the medical students, residents, pharmacy students, faculty, and fellows. Afternoon didactics include a weekly review of a medical toxicology chapter, presentations on "toxicology disasters", a variety of journal club-style manuscript reviews.
