Meet the OPAT Team

Alyse H Douglass, BSN, RN

Alyse Douglass

Alyse has been with the OHSU OPAT Program since 2016 and was involved in the rebuilding of the program into an RN model.  Alyse graduated from The University of New Mexico with a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing Science and has worked in the fields of outpatient neurology/adult developmental disabilities, Med/Surg and Occupational Health.

Within OPAT, Alyse’s passion revolves around process development and program enhancement.  This includes internal process development and partnering with external institutions to forge collaborative working relationships and seamless patient care.   

In her free time, Alyse enjoys spending time with her husband and two children, and is a fiber arts enthusiast with knitting, macramé, spinning and weaving being her current favorites.

Heather Mayer, BSN, RN

Heather Mayer, RN

Heather has been with the OPAT program since 2018 and prior to that was in Oncology.  She received her Bachelors of Nursing from OHSU and is currently working on her Masters in Nursing Education.  Her favorite thing about the OPAT nursing role is the diversity of projects including research and education. 

Within OPAT, Heather’s passion is quality improvement both in nursing care as well as patient experience and outcomes.  Creating pivot tables and analyzing large data files have become some of her favorite pastimes!

In her free time, Heather enjoys exploring all the beauty the Pacific Northwest has to offer with her family and chasing that Boston Marathon qualifying time.

Kathleen Young, BSN, RN, CARN

Kathleen Young

Kathleen has been with the OPAT program since fall of 2017. She has a degree in Microbiology from the University of Texas at Austin and a BSN from Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center. In 2020, she became a Certified Addictions RN in addition to joining the International Nurses Society on Addictions. The OPAT team’s collaborations in caring for persons who use drugs led to her desire to join OHSU’s IMProving Addiction Care Team (IMPACT). As of August 2022, she has a dual role as an OPAT RN and the RN for IMPACT’s Hospital Based Contingency Management Pilot Program which provides evidenced based treatment for those with Stimulant Use Disorder. She feels honored to be able to bridge these two fields.

She is passionate about educating and increasing awareness about harm reduction and opioid overdose prevention to fellow nurses, other health care workers, community members, and anyone else who will listen. She volunteers with Portland Street Medicine caring for Portland’s houseless community.  

In her free time, Kathleen and her partner enjoy the food and wine scene in and around Portland and hanging out at the coast with their 2 IG famous dogs, Bolt and Faith. While cooking, gardening or spending time outside, Kathleen is either listening to every true crime podcast or Taylor Swift.

Amber Streifel, PharmD, BCIDP

Amber Streifel

Amber Streifel, Board Certified Infectious Diseases Pharmacist has been with the OHSU OPAT Program since 2018 as the OPAT Pharmacist.  Amber graduated from The University of Maryland with a PharmD; completed PGY1 residency at OHSU and a PGY2 in Infectious Diseases at the University of Colorado School of Pharmacy.

Within OPAT, Amber’s passion revolves around equitable medication access, use of long-acting glycopeptides and oral antibiotics for complex infections. 

In her free time, Amber enjoys exploring the great PNW outdoors, travelling and crafting including quilting and knitting. 

Liz Parkes-Perret, MSN, RN

Liz Parkes-Perret, MSN, RN

Liz has been with the OHSU OPAT Program since October of 2021. Liz graduated with a Masters in Nursing Practice from the University of Iowa and has worked in a number of specialties including Burn, Trauma, Oncology/Bone Marrow Transplant, and Case Management.

Liz loves the OPAT team and is interested in how our work with substance use disorder patients can be shared with and adopted by other OPAT programs specifically by looking at the intersection of OPAT and Case Management more closely.

In her free time, Liz enjoys gardening, crafting, learning ukulele, and camping with her husband in their VW camper van with their dog Maple Syrup. There isn’t a true crime podcast she doesn’t love. 

Rachelle Giancanelli, MA

Rachelle Giancanelli

Rachelle has been with the OPAT program since February 2021 and prior to that was in Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, and Dermatology.  She received her medical assisting certification from Everest College in 2013.

Her favorite thing about the OPAT care coordinator/MA role is being able to be part of such an important team and the opportunity to always be learning and growing as there is always something new to experience.

In her free time, Rachelle is mother to two children and loves listening to music with them and spending as much quality time with her family as possible.