Informatics Fellowships
OHSU provides our fellows with a structured research experience with the option of coursework and/or pursuit of a degree, preparing fellows to undertake independent biomedical informatics research in the academic community, or to assume leadership positions in the growing number of hospital and/or commercial efforts in biomedical informatics.
OHSU offers predoctoral and postdoctoral research training fellowships in biomedical informatics. Support for the program comes from the National Library of Medicine (NLM). OHSU is one of 16 programs funded through the NLM. By providing a structured research experience with the option of coursework and/or pursuit of a degree, the program prepares fellows to undertake independent biomedical informatics research in the academic community, or to assume leadership positions in the growing number of hospital and/or commercial efforts in biomedical informatics. Postdoctoral positions are open to any qualified individual with a doctoral degree (MD, PhD, DDS, etc.), with the fellow also strongly encouraged to also pursue a master's degree in the OHSU program. Predoctoral positions are open to PhD students in the OHSU Biomedical Informatics Graduate Program. The fellowship package includes a stipend based on the NIH postdoctoral fellowship salary, health insurance, conference travel, and all tuition and fees. By providing a structured research experience, the program prepares fellows to enter the academic community and undertake programs of independent biomedical informatics research, or to take leadership positions in the growing number of hospital and/or commercial efforts in biomedical informatics. Fellows engage in a rigorous and dynamic program of study - though they survey the field broadly during their fellowship, they also focus on and complete a significant research project that is presented in both oral and written form. All classes within the department are made available to fellows, as well as courses throughout OHSU and our consortium of other nearby universities.
Fellows are provided with numerous specialized resources intended to foster their research. Each fellow is provided with shared office space in the BICC Building or elsewhere on the OHSU campus. Several conferences are available to fellows, including the weekly Thursday noon conference. Once a week, the fellows meet to present updates of current trends in informatics, tutorials on topics of interest, and training in areas of special concern such as the ethical conduct of research. Fellows are also encouraged to attend two national meetings where they present their own research and participate in the discussion of research by colleagues, one of which is the annual NLM training program meeting.
The principal activity of OHSU's fellows is learning the skills and responsibilities of research as apprentices to junior and senior faculty. The major portion of the time spent by the fellows is in the research laboratories of the BICC and its collaborating scientists. While fellows may launch their own research projects, every effort is made to have them connect with a faculty member's personal interests for optimal mentoring. Fellows are therefore encouraged to involve themselves with the ongoing faculty projects described here, or with projects related to their main research interests and that are sponsored by other faculty at OHSU.
These fellowship positions are open only to citizens of the United States or permanent residents. Please visit the How to Apply page for more information about how to apply. OHSU is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.
These fellowship positions are open only to citizens of the United States or permanent residents. Please visit the How to Apply page for more information about how to apply. OHSU is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.
OHSU Fellowship for Diversity in Research
The goal of the OHSU Fellowship for Diversity in Research (OFDIR) is to address the need for increased representation of minoritized races/ethnicities in STEM at the postdoctoral level. Fellowships are available for postdoctoral training in all scientific areas of study at OHSU. OFDIR Fellows will receive mentored research training and opportunities to build community with and receive support from other scientists who identify as members of a racial or ethnic group underrepresented in STEM. Explore the link above to learn more about the benefits of the OFDIR program, how to apply, and to meet current and former OFDIR fellows."