
You can contribute to making DMICE successful! Please consider a gift to advance our educational and research missions.
Despite our success, the majority of our funding is restricted. Federal grants, for example, do not allow investment in new faculty, students, or research explorations. As we face an increasingly competitive environment, it is critical that we have unrestricted support to pursue new research opportunities and attract the best and brightest students.
Dating back to 1998, we have over 700 alumni who have received over 780 degrees and certificates. OHSU is a leader in biomedical informatics around the country and the world. A gift can enable a faculty member to improve their teaching or develop a new course. It can also provide scholarships, travel funds, or other support to help current or prospective students, or provide aid to those in need.
Transformative gifts include our first philanthropy-funded scholarship, the Dr. Frank Naeymi-Rad and Dr. Theresa A. Kepic Scholarship for Biomedical Informatics. Dr. Naeymi-Rad is the founder of Intelligent Medical Objects (IMO), Inc. and Dr. Kepic is an obstetrics and gynecology physician.
We are pleased to report that we met our goal for Giving Day on May 18, 2022. A total of 43 alumni, employees, students, and friends donated a total of $2690, which was matched by the OHSU Foundation. Reaching 40 gifts activated Dr. Hersh's pledge of $5000, which was also matched 50% by the OHSU Foundation.All told, $12,880 was added to the DMICE Student Support Fund.
We also received a plethora of new research grants often reported in our blog: Health Data, Information and Action. A gift can allow a faculty member to pursue a promising new area of their research or develop a spinoff that may, for example, lead to commercialization.
We are interested in hearing from you. If you prefer, you can contact us about best ways to give.