Program Information

Our vision is to develop exceptional and compassionate physicians from diverse backgrounds who will serve their patients to provide the most optimum health possible.
The program emphasizes academic excellence throughout the training experience, offering a learning environment that balances the personal and professional needs of our residents. Residents divide their time among general medicine ward services, intensive care units, various ambulatory care experiences including social medicine rotations, subspecialty consult rotations, emergency medicine, geriatrics, and neurology. The primary care track places additional emphasis in ambulatory care, behavioral medicine and geriatrics; and experiences in related areas such as gynecology, dermatology and medical orthopedics.
We are in a multi-year strategic planning and residency redesign process, involving residents, faculty, leadership, and patients. Healthcare and residency education continue to change at a rapid pace and in order to prepare residents for their future careers, we believe in thinking creatively about the future and what will be needed to achieve the goal of being exceptional physicians. We look forward to sharing more of where we are in the process and how you can become a part of this exciting journey.
The OHSU Internal Medicine Residency Program's performance in the Fellowship Match has consistently been outstanding, with residents routinely matching in the most competitive subspecialty fellowships. We strive to ensure high quality mentorship and scholarly opportunities to allow residents achieve their desired goals. We have an informational series on the fellowship process which starts in the latter half of the intern year and continues into the fall of the PGY3 year with mentorship occurring from program leadership, chief residents, faculty and fellow residents. Whatever you desire for a fellowship, we can help you achieve it.
ABIM ('Board') Certifying Examination Pass Rate
Graduating OHSU IM residents have been highly successful on the American Board of Internal Medicine certifying exam. Our 3-year rolling pass rate is 97%. We attribute this success in large part to the quality of our residents, who are very bright and intellectually curious, but also credit their overall training experience and the associated curriculum at OHSU. We have had a highly purposeful, data driven approach to our curriculum which not only provides high quality information but is targeted to address all areas covered in the ABIM exam.
To assist our residents in assessing their medical knowledge and preparing for the ABIM exam, we administer the annual In-Training Exam (ITE) to all residents. This exam was developed jointly by the American College of Physicians and the Association of Program Directors in Internal Medicine, and its results are used solely for self-assessment and formative feedback. The exam results provide highly detailed information that assists residents and their faculty advisor in focusing their ongoing reading and studies.
Web-Based Medical Education
Created in June 2016, the Chief Residents maintain the blog IMRESPDX. This blog offers a dynamic array of educational resources, grouped by organ system as well as "quick hits". These areas highlight many resources from key articles to helpful teaching videos. Additionally, the program has embraced the use of #hcsm (health care social media) for physicians and internal medicine residency trainees. Follow us on our Instagram account to find out more about us and the people who make OHSU so very special.