
Internal Medicine residents at the National ACP conference
Internal Medicine Residents at the April 2022 National ACP conference

Scholarship in residency

The Department of Medicine and the Internal Medicine Residency Program are deeply committed to encouraging and supporting resident research and scholarship in all its forms.  This section of our program website aims to highlight past and ongoing scholarship as well as provide numerous resources to guide and assist residents in their scholarly endeavours.  

The benefits of scholarship during internal medicine residency training are multiple: career interest exploration, professional development, creative outlets, and mentorship relationships.  Scholarship may take many forms, including clinical/translational research, journal review articles or book chapter publications, case reports and clinical images, quality improvement projects, digital scholarship, advocacy-related scholarship, and presentation of abstract or oral presentations at local, regional, or national conferences and society meetings.

IM - Scholarship Page 2
Some of our 2019 ACP Oregon poster presenters striking a post

Scholarship requirements

Residents are required to complete at least two scholarly endeavors during their three years of residency training.  One project must be from the "required" section, and the second project may be from the “required” or “additional options” lists.  Additional information can be viewed here: Scholarship Requirement FAQs.

(A)    Required (at least one of the following):

  1. Peer-reviewed publication or submission
    1. Does not include clinical image publication
    2. Does not include published conference abstracts
    3. Includes peer-reviewed advocacy and humanities publications
  2. Presenter or 1st author of a regional or national poster/e-poster/abstract
  3. Invited CME or oral presentations, including:
    1. Any OHSU grand rounds involving originally prepared presentations
    2. Oral presentations of at regional or national society meetings/conferences
    3. Other external conference lectures
  4. Externally disseminated curricular or QI initiative
  5. Book chapter

(B)    Additional Options

  1. A second work from the required list “A”
  2. Clinical image publication
  3. Published conference abstract
  4. Non-peer-reviewed publication
  5. Non-peer-reviewed advocacy writing, including:
    1. OpEd in non-medical literature/lay press
    2. Resolution and policy statement writing for professional societies
    3. Health policy document writing (ex. support documents for legislation or “take away”s for advocacy with legislatures)
  6. Internally disseminated curricular or QI initiative beyond anything required for residency program rotations
  7. Junior or Senior talk
  8. Podcast production or guest expert interviews

**If you have a project not listed above that you think may qualify, please talk to your APD

Mentorship & Research Connections

So much of early and career work in scholarship relate to how effectively one can form and work together with mentors and in teams.  In order to facilitate these connections the residency program offers the following processes to identify those with research interests, and connect them to research and scholarship mentors.  Read more about our residency program process and supports below:

  • Post Match Survey
    • Shortly after matching into our program, you will receive a survey focusing on your interests in scholarship.  Extracting from your replies the program directors will try to assure early refinement of your desires to better facilitate personalized mentor connections
  • Intern-Mentor Matching
    • Upon arrival, the Chief residents will do another brief survey confirming your prior interests, then connect all interns to scholarship mentors.
  • Project/Mentor Connection
    • ​​​​​​​In addition to the above efforts to structurally link all residents to mentors, there is a robust ad hoc process which exists as both mentor and residents find themselves in need of support or projects. The Division Heads of all specialty divisions will serve as the primary triage contacts to better identify mentors with shared interests. 
    • For questions or challenges, please approach your Chief Resident and Associate Program Director to assist finding a scholarship and/or career mentor.
  • Preparation for Efficient Mentor/Mentee Relationship
    • ​​​​​​​To assure all residents are ready and able to commence projects as they arise, upon arrival we encourage all interns to complete the necessary trainings to engage in research and scholarship.

Annual Scholarship & Mentorship Awards

Our program recognizes that scholarship and research requires work, time, and energy during the three years of internal medicine training.  We also recognize that scholarship is not possible without mentorship from faculty and fellows.  To that end, we bestow several scholarship scholarship and scholarship mentorship awards during our annual June graduation/awards ceremony.

Resident publications:

  • Original Research: Dr. Emmanuella Oyogoa, “Clinical Outcomes of Patients Referred for Asymptomatic Neutropenia: A Focus on Racial Disparities in Hematology
  • Case Report: Dr. Mallika Lal, “Genetic Cardiomyopathy Masquerading as Cardiac Sarcoidosis
  • Advocacy Publication: Dr. Erynn Beeson, for her longitudinal advocacy work on The DEI shift podcast

Impact of scholarship (graduating R3)

  • Dr. Craig Morris


  • Mustafa Ajam, MD  (Cardiology fellow)
  • Cameron Chalker, MD  (Hem/Onc fellow)
  • Francis Phan, MD  (Cardiology fellow)
  • Martha Gerrity, MD, MPH, PhD  (GIM faculty)
  • Shyam Joshi, MD  (Allergy & Immun faculty)
  • Luke Masha, MD, MPH  (Cardiology faculty)
  • Ahmad Masri, MD, MS  (Cardiology faculty)
  • Joe Shatzel, MD  (Hem/Onc faculty)

Resident publications:

  • Original Research: Dr. Asad Arastu, "Analysis of Adverse Events and Intravenous Iron Infusion Formulations in Adults With and Without Prior Infusion Reactions"
  • Case Report: Drs. Howie Freeman and Katie Lutz, "Non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction hiding behind myopericarditis in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus"
  • Advocacy Publication: Drs. Julia Cambron, Emma DeLoughery, Marcella Muysson, "Readers respond: Vaccination refusal affects greater community"

Impact of scholarship (graduating R3)

  • Dr. Simone Dekker


  • Pranav Chandrashekar, MD (Cardiology fellow)
  • Kris Kumar, DO, MSc (Cardiology fellow)
  • Rajat Thawani, MD (Hem/Onc fellow)
  • Malinda West, MD (Hem/Onc fellow)
  • Amy Kwon, MD (GIM faculty)
  • Ahmad Masri, MD, MS (Cardiology faculty)
  • Joe Shatzel, MD (Hem/Onc faculty)
  • Anne Smeraglio, MD (Hosp Med faculty)

Resident publications:

  • Original Research: Dr. Ingrid Lindquist: “The efficacy and safety of thrombopoietin receptor agonists in patients with chronic liver disease undergoing elective procedures: a systematic review and meta-analysis"
  • Case Report: Dr. Lauren Oppegard; “Going Skin Deep: Excavating a Diagnosis of Intravascular Large B Cell Lymphoma"
  • Advocacy Publication: Drs. Christine Rutlen, Ellen Green: "Canaries in the Coal Mine of Climate Change"

Impact of scholarship (graduating R3)

  • Dr. Derrick Tao


  • Taylor Myers, MD (PCCM Fellow)
  • Ahmad Masri, MD, MS
  • Joe Shatzel, MD
  • Kelly Vranas, MD

Resident publications:

  • Original Research: Drs. Kelly Jensen, Francis Phan, & Maedeh Khayyat-Kholghi: “Bringing Critical Race Praxis into the Study of Electrophysiological Substrate of Sudden Cardiac Death: the atherosclerosis risk in communities (ARIC) study”
  • Case Report: Dr. Catherine Murphree; “Biopsy Proven Thrombotic Microangiopathy without Schistocytosis on Peripheral Blood Smear: A Cautionary Tale”

Impact of scholarship (graduating R3)

  • Dr. Namisha Thapa


  • Matt Miller, MD (PCCM Fellow)
  • Peter Jessel, MD
  • Akram Khan, MD
  • Vinay Prasad, MD, MPH
  • Joe Shatzel, MD
  • Luke Strnad, MD

Resident publications:

  • Original Research: Dr. Jenna Petersen: "Incidence and Outcome of Bacteremia During Acute Graft‐Versus‐Host Disease Involving the Gastrointestinal Tract Following Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant"
  • Case Report: Drs. Jessica Haraga and Missy LeBlanc: "Not All It’s CrAg‐ed Up to Be: Disseminated Cryptococcosis"

Impact of scholarship (to graduating R3)

  • Dr. Max Gordon

Contributions to scholarship/mentorship:

  • Dr. Avital O'Glasser (faculty)
  • Dr. Alan Hunter (faculty)
  • Dr. Arnab Mitra (fellow)

Resident publications:

  • Original Research: Dr. Erin Lu: “DNA Repair Gene Alterations & PARP Inhibitor Response in Metastatic Castration – Resistant Prostate Cancer Patients"
  • Case Report: Dr. Teena Xu: “Synovitis Acne Pustulosis Hyperostosis Osteitis (SAPHO) Paradoxical Reactions and Different Responses to Tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibitors”

Impact of scholarship (new award given to graduating R3)

  • Dr. Stephen Amrock
  • Dr. Jeffrey Bien 

Contributions to scholarship/mentorship (new award):

  • Dr. Vinay Prasad (faculty)
  • Dr. Joe Shatzel (fellow)

  • Original research: Dr. Jean Liew, "Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Correlates of Disease Activity among Veterans with Ankylosing Spondylitis"
  • Case report: Dr. Chris Fine: “A Greener Oregon: Acute Inpatient Delirium"