Sensory Systems
Scientists in the Neuroscience Graduate Program investigate topics in a range of sensory systems including vision, hearing, olfaction, and pain. The Oregon Hearing Research Center has NGP investigators that work from the level of hair cells in the cochlea to processing of auditory signals in the brainstem and cortex, using methods from proteomics to forward genetics and developmental biology in zebrafish to whole-cell recording in the auditory brainstem. Other NGP investigators are examining the circuitry underlying processing in the olfactory system as well as brainstem circuits underlying pain transmission.
To learn more about specific investigators studying sensory systems, click on the NGP faculty listed below.
Appointments and titles
- Professor of Chemical Physiology and Biochemistry, School of Medicine
Areas of interest
- Pain pathways & mechanisms
- Neuroanatomy
- Neural substrates of addiction
Appointments and titles
- Associate Professor of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, School of Medicine
Areas of interest
- Representation of speech and other natural sounds in auditory cortex
- Learning and attention-driven changes in auditory representation
- Biological mechanisms underlying neural computations
- Claudio V. Mello, M.D., Ph.D.
- Mello lab's ZEBrA website (Zebra finch Expression Brain Atlas)
Appointments and titles
- Professor of Behavioral Neuroscience, School of Medicine
Areas of interest
- Neuroethology
- Molecular neuroscience
- Speech and Language
- Vocal learning
- Central auditory processing
- Learning and memory
- Neurogenomics
Appointments and titles
- Professor of Chemical Physiology and Biochemistry, School of Medicine
Appointments and titles
- Assistant Professor, Vollum Institute
Areas of interest
- mechanotransduction
- ion channels
- electrophysiology
Appointments and titles
- Professor of Cell, Developmental and Cancer Biology, School of Medicine
Areas of interest
- zebrafish axonal transport neuron development lateral line sensory systems
Appointments and titles
- Professor of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, School of Medicine
- Professor of Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine
- Professor of Behavioral Neuroscience, School of Medicine
Areas of interest
- Pitch and speech perception
- Hearing loss and cochlear implants
- Binaural fusion, auditory object formation, and stream segregation
- Auditory nerve health after cochlear implantation
- Computational modeling of auditory perception
Appointments and titles
- Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, School of Medicine
- Henrique von Gersdorff, Ph.D.
- Dr. von Gersdorff 's research at the Vollum Institute
Appointments and titles
- Professor, Vollum Institute
- Professor of Physiology and Pharmacology, School of Medicine
Areas of interest
- exocytosis and endocytosis of synaptic vesicles
- short and long-term plasticity in the retina and brainstem
- electrophysiology of auditory pathway
- ribbon synapses
Appointments and titles
- Associate Professor, Vollum Institute
Areas of interest
- neurodevelopment
- axon guidance
- neuronal migration
- synaptogenesis
- neural circuitry