Current Research
Optimizing Research Methodology with Diverse Families
Phase 1: Focus Groups
The first phase of our new study aims to help identify treatment needs and barriers to participation in complementary and integrative health research among racially and ethnically diverse (Black and Hispanic) communities. Through community-based focus groups with diverse parents/caregivers of children with ADHD (Trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad) symptoms and/or emotional dysregulation, we hope to discuss and learn more about: (1) impact of child's mental health, treatments, care received; (2) perceived and actual barriers to study participation, including the collection methods in phase 2. An advisory panel will review focus group input to ensure feedback informs recruitment materials and protocol for the feasibility study.
Phase 2: Feasibility and Acceptability
The second phase of our study will evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of collecting real-time parent-reported child behavior data using ecological momentary assessment (EMA) in a study of pediatric ADHD enrolling 70-100% Black or Hispanic families. Additionally, we will evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of collecting biospecimens at home, and explore their potential as biomarkers, in Black and Hispanic children.
Previous Research
The MADDY Study (Micronutrients for ADHD in Youth)
Primary data collection is completed and results are pending.
The MADDY study measured the effects of a 36-ingredient broad spectrum micronutrient supplement on children, age 6 to 12, who had symptoms of ADHD and irritability or emotional dysregulation. This double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial examined whether the broad spectrum micronutrient formula would be a viable treatment for children with ADHD and irritability, based on parent-child-, and clinician-rated reports of behavior and functioning.
An important additional aim of the MADDY study was to better understand how symptoms of negative affect and impaired cognition relate to differences in metabolism, the gut microbiome, genetics, and epigenetics, neurotransmitters, and hormone levels, and inflammation. Toward this goal, we compared behavioral data from a range of standardized measures completed by children, parents, and teachers/other adults to biological data collected from samples of blood, saliva, urine, stool, and hair. Some data has been published and is highlighted under Publications.
This was an international multi-site study being conducted at OHSU, The Ohio State University, and University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada.
Feasbility and Acceptability of a Powdered Multinutrient Formula in Children with ADHD and Emotional Dysregulation
Primary data collection is completed and results are pending.
Our study assessed the feasibility and acceptability of a powdered multivitamin supplement that is dissolved on or under the tongue. We observed if children are able to and like taking the powdered multivitamin. The powder contains 36 ingredients including all known vitamins and essential minerals, plus a few amino acids and antioxidants. This study was an open label study, which means the participants received the study drug and there was no placebo. It was a 6-week long study conducted completely virtual. We had families collect biological samples at home, such as blood and urine. Blood was collected using the Tasso® Device which is an easy and virtually painless system; while urine was collected using ZRT Laboratory Filter Cards.