School of Nursing


In rare cases, a student may be unable to meet some immunization requirements due to medical conditions. Students with a medical condition who want to submit an immunization exemption form must have a written explanation from a health care provider when submitting an exemption. Students should submit their exemption requests to the School of Nursing Compliance Officer. The School of Nursing Compliance Officer will work closely with the Student Health and Wellness Center to review medical exemptions. 

Students who do not meet the immunization requirements may be prevented from participating in the clinical or practicum portion of their program. The student catalog has more information about the School of Nursing Policy.  

Non-medical immunization exemptions for immunizations are not allowed per Oregon Administration Rules (OAR).

Oregon Administrative Rule information

Get the immunization waiver form

Causes of "non-compliance":

  • Some immunizations expire each year and are required to be updated annually. In addition, many immunization requirements are required in a series of tests or will require additional documentation when a test shows as positive. Students who have not updated their annual immunization requirements or have not completed a required immunization series can have their record flagged as "non-compliant."
  • Students can review the required immunization information provided by OHSU Student Health Services for more information about the required/missing items.
  • Students can complete missing immunization requirements by visiting the Student Health Office on campus starting the first week of their program or seeing their doctor or nurse practitioner.
  • A few Compass compliance modules must be updated annually. Students must review and provide a certificate of completion to show compliance with the required Compass module item. Students can review all required compliance requirements and complete the required modules in Compass.
  • Leave of Absence: Some immunizations or compliance items must be redone when students return from a Leave of Absence but before the requirement officially "expires". This is due to the interruption in the program that the leave causes and returning students should be checking their record in American Databank as they prepare to return to school to ensure all items are updated.
  • Expiring/Archived Accounts: Many students do not access their immunization or compliance records regularly as this is not needed for daily use in their program. However, lack of use can trigger the system to "archive" the record. American Databank will notify users when their accounts may get archived due to lack of use. Students must log into their American Databank account at the following link: to review their record and update their account activity.
  • Change of Program/Entry term: Some programs have unique immunization/compliance requirements mandated due to clinical contracts or campus locations, or new requirements are added by OHSU or clinical agencies mid-term. If students change their program of study, campus location, or entry term, they may have new requirements to complete that they did not have before. Students must log into their American Databank account to review their missing items and take action to follow up as needed.

Students often have questions about their immunization and compliance requirements, how to turn in their materials, or why their records have been flagged as non-compliant. Students can contact the Compliance Officer for more information and assistance at

Any student who is receiving notifications from American Databank or OHSU administrators about being non-compliant with required immunization and compliance materials should follow up with the Compliance Officer immediately.