Elks Preschool Vision Screening Program

child with new glasses

Children with vision problems often go undiagnosed until they start school, and delayed diagnosis can lead to lasting vision problems and developmental delays. Nearly 15% of children between the ages of 3 and 5 have a vision problem that requires glasses.

Annual vision screenings for preschoolers can help find vision problems while their eyes are still developing, and some vision disorders can be reversed if treated before age 5. In Oregon, the legislature requires that all children entering public school for the first time show proof of a vision screening.  

Thanks to a grant from the Oregon State Elks Association and Elks volunteers, the Elks Children's Eye Clinic at OHSU Casey Eye Institute provides free vision screenings for preschoolers all over the state. We partner with Head Start programs and public libraries to prevent vision loss in children by screening over 8,000 kids annually, referring over 700 kids every year to an eye doctor to be checked for a potential vision problem. 

Using photo screening technology--a scientifically proven screening method for preschool children--the children’s eyes can be measured instantly and results are available immediately. If needed, the screener can recommend that a child be referred to a specialist. 

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Information for vision screeners

Check out these resources if you are a vision screener with our program.

Vision Screening Program team

Talitha Dale, Director

Tabitha Dale

Talitha Dale is the director of the Oregon Elks Preschool Vision Screening Program. Since 2009, Talitha has worked with the screening program in different capacities, including follow-up management, overseeing our data collection process, and helping develop presentations and papers reporting the Oregon Preschool Vision Screening Program results. Talitha has assisted with research presentations, including the World Ophthalmology Congress, the American Academy of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, the Association of Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, and the American Academy of Pediatrics. 

Jeanne Morehouse, Follow-Up Coordinator

Jeanne Morehouse

Jeanne manages the team that contacts families when their child has been referred for a dilated vision exam. Jeanne is a former educator who has taught preschool, kindergarten, and other elementary school levels. Jeanne joined the screening program team in June 2014 as a vision screener, where she provided training to Head Start locations and public libraries for See to Read events. Jeanne’s background in working with children and education has been a great asset in training staff and community partners.

Bethany Lang, Follow-Up Assistant

Bethany Lang

Bethany joined the Oregon Elks Preschool Vision Screening Program in May 2014. Before joining our team, Bethany worked for the Hilton Corporation as an event coordinator, establishing a strong background in organization and a passion for helping others. Bethany is involved in data collection, providing follow-up for our English-speaking families, assisting parents in making pediatric eye exams, and providing necessary resources for treatment.

Rosie Platt, Follow-Up Assistant

Rosie Platt

In July 2023, Rosie Platt joined the Oregon Elks Preschool Vision Screening Program after working several years in the non-profit sector and earning a Master’s degree in Public Health from San Diego State University. Rosie assists with the program’s public relations, provides follow-up support for Spanish-speaking families, helps parents schedule pediatric eye exams, and connects them with necessary treatment resources.

Leanne Stevens, Office Manager

Leanne Stevens

Leanne joined the screening program team in 2023, building on a career in healthcare analytics and technology adoption. Leanne manages the day-to-day operations that keeps our program office running smoothly. She assists with event organization and coordinates our program’s screening schedule and documents for preschools throughout the state of Oregon. Leanne also supports onboarding new Elks volunteers for the clinic.


The Preschool Vision Screening Program conducts research about eye health and preschool children in Oregon.

  1. Vaughan J, Stignei I, Wheeler D, Summers A. “Lay Vision Screening is Cost-Effective for Identifying Vision Problems in Pre-Kindergarten Children”. Companion poster session presented at the Annual American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus; April, 2009; San Francisco, CA.
  2. Wheeler, D, Vaughan J, Summers A. “Statewide Preschool Vision Screening in Oregon”. Poster session presented at the Annual American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus; April, 2009; San Francisco, CA. (AAPOS Best of Show Award).
  3. Allen R, Wheeler D, Vaughan, J. “The Conundrum of a Mandated Comprehensive Eye Exam” Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Poster Presentation, April, 2010; Fort Lauderdale, FL. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science April 2010, Vol.51, 4353. Doi
  4. Vaughan J, Summers A, Karr D. “Lay Vision Screening: Can the Plusoptix Vision Screener Replace the Lea Symbol Chart and Random Dot Stereotest.” Poster session presented at the World Ophthalmology Congress; June, 2010; Berlin, DE.
  5. Summers A, Karr D, Vaughan J Coughlin K. “After Failing a Lay Vision Screening, What Diagnoses and Treatments Do Preschoolers Eventually Receive?” Poster session presented at the Annual American Academy of Optometry; November, 2010; Chicago, IL.
  6. Vaughan J, Summers A, Hoang L, Dale T, Choy, A. “LEA/Random Dot E vs. Plusoptix Device: Which System Provides the Best Referral When Screening Preschool Children”, Podium presentation at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology; May, 2011; Fort Lauderdale, FL. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 2011; 52(14):1600. doi: 
  7. Vaughan J, Arao R, Dale T, Chiang M, Karr D.“ Are Referrals from the Plusoptix S09 are Significantly More Accurate than the LEA/Random Dot E Referrals for Children Ages 3-5”. Podium presentation at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology; May, 2013; Seattle, WA. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci.. 2013; 54(15):5982. doi:
  8. Vaughan J, Dale T, Huang D. “Photoscreening for Refractive Error and Strabismus Using GoCheckKids Smartphone App”. Podium presentation and poster presented at the Annual American Academy of Pediatrics; October, 2013; Orlando, FL.
  9. Vaughan J, Dale, T, Choy, A, “Photoscreening for Refractive Error and Strabismus With a Smartphone App”, IOVS, 55, ARVO E-Abstract 436 (2014). Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci.. 2014; 55(13):436. doi:
  10. Vaughan J, Huang, D.  “Two Tap Amblyopia Screening”. The Ophthalmologist, 9, 26-28 (2014).
  11. Vaughan J, Dale T, Karr D. “Oregon Elks Children’s Eye Clinic Vision Screening Results”. Poster session presented at the Annual American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus; April, 2016; Vancouver, BC.
  12. Vaughan J, Mcdermott A, Reznick L, Summers A, “Parent’s Guide to Pediatric Contact Lens Use Elks Children’s Eye Clinic Instructional Video”.  Presented at World Ophthalmology Congress, May, 2016, Guadalajara, Mexico.
  13. Vaughan J, Dale T, Herrera D, Karr D. “The Accuracy of the Plusoptix S12 and the Spot Photoscreening Measurements When Screening for Astigmatism in an Ethnically Diverse Population”. Poster session presented at the Annual American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus; April, 2017; Nashville, Tennessee.
  14. Vaughan J, Dale T, Herrera D, Karr D. Oregon Elks Children’s Eye Clinic vision screening results for astigmatism. J AAPOS. 2018; 22(3):207-210.
  15. Vaughan J, Dale T, Karr D. Photoscreening could detect vision-threatening conditions in early childhood. Ophthalmology Times. 2018.
  16. Vaughan J, Dale T, Herrera D, Mercado C. “Vision Screening Using a Photoscreening Device Doubles Referral Rate Accuracy When Compared to the Chart Method” Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Poster Presentation, April, 2019; Vancouver, BC. . Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci.. 2019; 60(9):4419. doi:
  17. Vaughan J, Dale T, Herrera D. “Comparison of Photoscreening to Chart Methodology for Vision Screening.” The Journal of School Nursing, July 2020. 
  18. Bellsmith K, Herrera D, Dale T, Vaughan J. “Detection of Treatment-Requiring Hyperopia Using a Photo Vision Screening Device in a Preschool Population” Poster session presented at the Annual American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus; April, 2021; Virtual Meeting.  
  19. Vaughan J, Herrera D, Dale T. “Effects of Demographics on the Dilation of Preschool Children During the Eye Exam” Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Poster Presentation, May, 2021; Virtual Meeting.