FY Eye Newsletter

Artistic photo of the Elks Children's Eye Clinic building in the evening

A semi-annual newsletter for Casey Eye Institute

We invite you to view a selection of recent FY Eye Newsletters, which feature news, innovations, impact, patient stories and more from Casey's research, clinical care, education and outreach missions areas.

Two photos split the top with the title "FY Eye" overlaying a photo of an elk statue on the right and a photo of purple and green microscopic cells on the right. Below the images is text.

FY Eye: Spring 2024

The power of philanthropy in SW Washington; Legacy of Dr. Leigh Campbell; Living Legacy: Dr. Fritz Fraunfelder

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Casey Eye Institute FY Eye Newsletter for Fall 2023

FY Eye: Fall 2023

New Retinal Stem Cell Center, Director's welcome, and Preschool Vision Screening Program's 20th anniversary

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The cover page of the FY Eye Newsletter, with the title in upper left, a photo of Casey Eye Institute in upper right, and article text below.

FY Eye: Spring 2023

Introducing the Oregon Vision Health Network, updates on neuro-ophthalmology, & impact in American Samoa.

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Cover image of the FY Eye Newsletter

FY Eye: Fall 2022

Corneal disease treatments & research; grand opening celebration; Dr. Reznick heads children's eye clinic.

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Cover image of the FY Eye Newsletter Spring 2022

FY Eye: Spring 2022

The myopia epidemic, new research and options for macular degeneration; innovative testing for rare cancers.

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Cover image of the FY Eye Newsletter

FY Eye: Fall 2021

A patient's improved vision after gene therapy; improving glaucoma diagnosis; residency program expansion.

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Cover image of the FYE Newsletter

FY Eye: Summer 2021

The Elks Children's Eye Clinic opening; adapting eye care, research and outreach during a pandemic; and more.

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Cover image of the FYE Newsletter

FY Eye: Winter 2020

Researchers tackle glaucoma; innovative imaging; new building completion in view.

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Cover image of the FYE Newsletter

FY Eye: Summer 2019

Building momentum with new facility; gene therapy program's new home; residents value collaborative culture.

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Cover image of the FYE Newsletter

FY Eye: Fall 2018

Unique eye cancer challenges; Wold family donor spotlight; new facility groundbreaking; vision rehabilitation expands.

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