Casey Residents in Portland

Ophthalmology residents at OHSU Casey Eye Institute share their experience living in Portland and what they love about the city.

Portland has a lot to offer

Portland, Oregon is famous for its natural beauty and vibrant city life. Situated at the confluence of Willamette and Columbia Rivers, Portland offers easy access to the Oregon Coast, Mt. Hood, and the Columbia River Gorge. With a mild climate all year round, the city offers great parks, walkable neighborhoods and a sophisticated public transit system. Local music, food and drinks regularly draw national attention, yet the restaurants and entertainment remain accessible. Visit Travel Portland to learn more about our city.

In recent years, Portland's housing market has become more expensive, but remains more affordable than other cities on the West Coast with good options close to the hospital.

View of Willamette River and bridge across Portland

Living in Portland and Oregon

Find out what our state has to offer.

Three residents pose in front of waterfalls outside Portland.
Residents enjoy exploring the natural beauty outside Portland.
A group sits in a ball pit in front of a large "Keep Portland Weird" sign.
Residents and faculty mentors keep Portland weird at a teambuilding event.
A group poses in a field of flowers with low hills in the background.
Residents enjoy the beautiful Pacific Northwest summer from the Willamette River in Portland.