Research Track


Kevin Burfeind Headshot

From the Oregon Scholars Research Chief…

Thank you for your interest in the OHSU Anesthesiology Resident Research Track. As one of the first anesthesiology residency programs to meld an 18-month research fellowship within a competitive 30-month clinical residency, our goal is to train the next generation of anesthesiology-scientists to investigate cutting edge clinical, translational, and basic questions. OHSU offers one categorical OSP Research position through the Match. We have a highly successful track record of fostering residents to obtain FAER fellowship grants, AUA awards, and manuscript prizes resulting in published work in well-regarded journals, with resulting careers in academic anesthesiology doing research in both basic and clinical fields. While a prior PhD is not required to match into this track, we prefer applicants who have demonstrated sustained curiosity, potential for conducting long-term projects, and a desire to contribute knowledge to the exciting field of anesthesiology. Situated on Marquam Hill, residents interested in research can tap not only into departmental resources, but also be mentored by world-renowned faculty at the Vollum Neuroscience Institute, the Oregon Clinical and Translational Research Institute, and multiple other basic and clinical research departments. We have the largest primate center in the country (complete with a NICU), a state of the art imaging center, a collaborative department of biomedical engineering, and a pain center that not only does innovative procedures but also pairs them with research into complementary and alternative techniques. In addition to these academic highlights, OHSU is situated in the beautiful, affordable city of Portland, Oregon that is known for its restaurant scene, excellent public transportation, nearby wineries, coastal beaches, gorgeous mountain hikes, and accessible skiing.


After one transitional intern year rotating with dedicated clinicians in medicine, surgery, and intensive care with 4 months of anesthesiology electives, the research resident will dedicate their entire CA-1 year to clinical rotations not only to solidify their clinical skills, but also to see the problems affecting our patients how that translates into a foundation for their research question. In fact, most residents realize at this time the incredibly diversity of questions that touch on anesthesiology that includes, but are not limited to immunology, neuroscience, hematological and oncological burdens, psychological comorbidities, and basic receptor mechanisms. During these first two years, the resident will learn how to tap into departmental and university-wide resources for their research and meet with faculty throughout the university that could serve as potential mentors for their project. As CA-2s, given that the resident has shown exemplary patient management and has demonstrated excellent anesthesia knowledge during their clinical months, they are welcome to start their months of protected research time with 2 days a month of clinical call to maintain clinical competence. The resident can choose to divide their 18 months within their remaining 36 months of training in whatever manner best fits their research goals. Prior residents have often chosen to utilize the first 6 months to obtain preliminary data for their work in order to apply for a FAER Resident Fellowship Grant, and use the remaining 12 months (divided however they choose) to conduct work with additional support from the FAER.

You can find more information about what areas of clinical research and basic science are happening in the department. Additionally, there are opportunities to collaborate with other departments at OHSU, as well.


We encourage research scholars to apply to external and internal grants -communicating ideas on paper to a greater audience is a necessary scientific skill.

  • Kirsch Scholarship

Scholars will receive $10,000 additional salary in CA-3 and CA-4 years.

If you want to conduct research, but are not interested in extending your residency:

ACGME policy states that all anesthesiology residents can have up to 6 months of protected research time during their 36 months of anesthesiology residency. We highly encourage all residents to consider this opportunity. If you are interested, a Resident Research Proposal Form must be submitted to the education office with support from a primary mentor with adequate time to schedule research blocks in your CA-2 and CA-3 years. No additional funding or salary is provided, but internal grant funding maybe available.


Scholars will complete all ACGME requirements for the core anesthesiology program as well as a substantial research project in conjunction with a faculty mentor.

Scholars will submit abstracts, posters, or presentations to a nationally or internationally recognized conference.

Scholars will serve as research chief as CA-4s to:

  • Recruit and foster other residents interested in research along with research faculty and education office
  • Act as liaison to the greater OHSU community and other anesthesiology communities

If you are interested in the integrated research track, please consider signing up for our virtual open house focusing on the Oregon Scholar’s Programs, including the research track, on September 18th at 4pm Pacific time.

When you are ready to apply, you can find us on ERAS with the program number #1599040C0, and you'll have the option to select your interest in the Research Track. Applying to this track will automatically have your application reviewed by a research faculty member on the recruitment committee, and interview offers will be sent out in October. You can also select interest in our program's other tracks, as well, if interested – the 3-year advanced program, the 4-year categorical program, and/or the 5-year integrated critical care medicine track.

Thank you for your interest in our program, and please contact me if you have any questions about the Research Track.


Kevin Burfeind, MD, PhD
Oregon Scholars Research Chief
Oregon Scholars Program 

Previous Research Track fellows and grants received during training:

2009 - Dr. Stacey Fairbanks - Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research (FAER) Research Fellowship Grant (RFG) - “Mechanisms of Sex Differences in Neuronal Survival”

2012 - Dr. Katie Schenning 

  • FAER Research Fellowship Grant (RFG) “Ischemic Injury to Glomerular Endothelium: Mechanism of Hyperglycemic Protection”
  • Collins Medical Trust grant “Hyperglycemia abolishes the protective effect of ischemic preconditioning on glomerular endothelial cells in ischemia reperfusion injury”
  • Oregon Alzheimer Disease Center Pilot Grant 

2014 – Dr. Ross Martini - OHSU Medical Research Foundation grant “Genetic polymorphisms in soluble epoxide hydrolase and outcome after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: the role of the epoxyeicosatrienoic acids “

2016 – Dr. Austin Peters - FAER Research Fellowship Grant "Modulation of Post-Traumatic Neurogenesis and Recovery by Ketamine"

2017 - Dr. Andrew Slupe FAER RFG - “Axon pruning governed by Bax during development and following exposure to volatile anesthetic.”

Dr. Andrew Slupe- OHSU Medical Research Foundation grant “Modeling age-associated susceptibility to cognitive dysfunction following exposure to volatile anesthetics in rodents"
Dr. Ross Martini - FAER MRTG “ Subarachnoid hemorrhage and soluble epoxide hydrolase inhibition: a phase 1b trial."

2019 - Dr. Yifan Xu -  FAER Research Fellowship Grant “Modulation of Microvascular Blood Flow and Stroke Outcome via GPR39. 

Dr. Dayle Hodge FAER Research Fellowship Grant “Aligned Collagen Nanofibrillar Scaffolds and Hypoxia Synergistically Drive Endothelial-Mesenchymal Transition"