6-12 Years Old

Resources for families of school age children

One girl standing behind a girl in a wheelchair, at the library

Parents tell us...

"Starting school was a big transition for both us and our kids!"  

"With support from the school and me, my child is thriving." 

"Making friends took time. I really want him to have true friends." 

"School is a big part of her life, but she also loves Girl Scouts, her cat, and spending time with Grandma."

Play and recreation: ages 6-12

Play and recreation are important for all kids. Learn about opportunities for your child to have fun and grow.

Children's social-emotional and behavioral health

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention state that 1 in 5 children have, or will experience, a mental health challenge. Learn how to support your child's social-emotional and behavioral health.

Childcare for school age children

You may need others to help care for your child at times. Use these resources to find a safe, supportive, and fun childcare situation for your child.

Education and school

Some children need additional supports in school. Find educational supports for your child.

Service and emotional support animals

Animals can be a source of emotional and physical support, but they are also a lot of responsibility.  You can learn about the types of support animals and the rights and responsibilities that come with having one.

Special health needs essentials

If you have a child with special health needs, they will probably interact with one or more systems in Oregon.  Here are some of the basic systems your special needs child may utilize.


Inclusion of resources on our site does not imply endorsement nor does exclusion mean we do not think it is valuable. We work to keep our list of resources current and relevant but it is not exhaustive.

Contact us: 855-323-6744 (English) o 833-990-9930 (español)  contact@oregonfamilytofamily.org