Health Care Providers and Specialists

A young family at the office of a health care professional

Parents tell us

"Finding the right doctor or specialist takes time, especially if you have a child with complex needs."

"We tried to find someone who knew about my daughter's condition. We found one she liked, who didn't know about it, but was willing to learn."

"My son's dentist is so gentle and patient; I wish I could go to him. His hygienist was the first one who could successfully x-ray my child's teeth."

Look for a health care provider

Most families of children with special health needs have to search to find the right provider. Start with your insurance company's provider list and get recommendations from other families and friends. Call providers to make sure they are taking new patients. Sometimes your child will have to be on a wait list. Seek support during the wait.  Below you will find searchable databases for specialists.


Pediatric ophthalmologists:  American association for pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus AAPOS

Optometrists Oregon  and Optometrists Washington

Mental health

Other Specialties

For other specialties not listed, ask your Primary Care Provider for a referral.  Check with your insurance company care coordinator, or search your insurance company's provider network.

Build your child's team

Teen getting a medical exam

Your child may need many people to keep them healthy, and that team may need to change as your child gets older. Here are resources for finding and managing that team.

Tip sheet: "Patient Centered Primary Care Home"  

Tip sheet: "My Child's Team"

Complimentary providers: Questions to ask

Tip Sheet: "Exceptional Needs or Intensive Care Coordinators"

Novel Interventions in Children's Health program

Government approved clinical trials

Oregon Health Plan Care Coordination Program


Inclusion of resources on our site does not imply endorsement nor does exclusion mean we do not think it is valuable. We work to keep our list of resources current and relevant but it is not exhaustive.

Contact us: 855-323-6744 (English) 503-931-8930 (Spanish)