Concerned About a Child's Development?

Parents tell us...

premature baby in clear plastic cradle

"She wasn't like my two boys; I thought maybe girls were slower to develop physically."

"I could tell right away he didn't move and play like other kids."

"She liked school until second grade, but then started to fall behind.  She didn't even want to go"

"My happy baby and toddler became a furious and rigid preschooler."

How do I know if my child needs help?

You know your child. If you are concerned with the way they interact with the world, talk to your child's doctor. 

Give specific examples of what is worrying you. 

Below are some tools to learn about child development.

Where to get help

Generally, children can get help through the health care system, their school, and/or community. Some children are eligible for county/state/or federal programs. Many factors, such as your child's age, needs, and insurance will determine where they will get help. Start with the following resources. If you need more help, call us at 855-323-6744.

Health care system

Check with your insurance company to find health care providers who can evaluate your child.  You can also consider one of the Northwest children's hospitals or neurodevelopmental clinics.

Educational system ages 5-21

Contact the student services department at your local school district to request testing and/or special education services. All students, including those who attend charter school and private school, or home school can be tested through the local school district.

Community Developmental Disabilities Programs

If you are concerned that your child has not met their developmental milestones and you want them evaluated for a developmental delay or disability. Contact your county's Community Developmental Disabilities Program and ask to speak to the eligibility specialist.


Inclusion of resources on our site does not imply endorsement nor does exclusion mean we do not think it is valuable. We work to keep our list of resources current and relevant but it is not exhaustive.

Contact us: 855-323-6744 (English) 503-931-8930 (Spanish)