Advanced Education and Training

College students with professor

Young adults tell us...

"I wish I had done better research on scholarships.  I could have had smaller student loans if I had paid attention." 

"I didn't know that I could have longer to take tests, or take fewer courses and still keep my financial aid, until I visited the Office of Disability Services." 

"I was scared to leave high school, I didn't know what was next."

Education after high school

There are many opportunities to learn once high school is finished. Students who had an I.E.P. or 504 plan are potentially eligible for services and accommodations at colleges and universities. Go to the disability office at the college or university to learn more.  If you have a genetic condition you might find these helpful in explaining to your college or university what you needs are. GEMSS: Genetic Education Materials for School Success.  If you used accommodations for testing or during high school having a copy of your  I.E.P. can be helpful to the office of disability services at your new school.  They are not required to follow your I.E.P. but it can give you, and them ideas for accommodations and modifications.

Finding college and trade programs

Online colleges and programs

Special education rights, post-secondary education

Wright's Law on college and continuing education

Set to go:  Emotional support for the first year of college

Navigating College Handbook 

Choosing a private career school

Vocational rehabilitation

Some people want to go right to work after high school. Oregon's Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services are available to any Oregonian over the age of 16 with a disability who is having difficulty getting or keeping a job because of their disability. VR also provides training on opening a small business.  Determining eligibility for VR is simple and quick.

Vocational Rehabilitation Website

Introductory Vocational Rehabilitation Video

Check out our Finding Work Page

Military service

Some special health needs are disqualifying for United States military service, but it is possible to get medical waivers for medical issues that have not needed medication since the age of 13.  Two examples include asthma or ADHD.  Expect the military to do a full examination of all medical records before granting a medical waiver. 


Inclusion of resources on our site does not imply endorsement nor does exclusion mean we do not think it is valuable. We work to keep our list of resources current and relevant but it is not exhaustive.

If you have any questions call or email us tel. 855-323-6744 (English) o 833-990-9930 (español)