One-Minute Videos & Impact Stories

“My son has ADHD, anxiety, PTSD and other emotional disorders. I have had to call 911 to get help for him many times. It’s hard to explain his diagnoses, behaviors, and needs quickly. The time it takes to explain it all has sometimes led to harmful delays and misunderstandings. HERO Kids Registry would help first responders and Emergency Departments be ready to meet my son’s particular needs. They would know ahead of time that he has complex mental health challenges. They would be aware that he freezes up when he’s anxious, that he’s afraid of needles, and that he has adverse drug reactions which can exacerbate the situation. HERO Kids Registry would increase my confidence in the care my son gets in an emergency.” – Oregon Parent (name withheld for privacy)

"For emergency responders, especially transporting ambulance providers, having access to patient history is vital to providing timely, quality, and compassionate patient-centered care. It helps providers make informed decisions in critical moments. HERO Kids has the potential to improve the health and safety of children with medical conditions." - Matt Philbrick, Oregon Emergency Medical Services for Children Advisory Committee Chair, and Paramedic

I am 16 years old and I have a disorder called osteogenesis imperfecta that causes brittle bones. I have had more than 60 bone breaks. I have first-hand experience calling 911. I was at a friend’s house a few years ago when a dog knocked me down, fracturing my femur. I was in excruciating pain when I explained my condition to a 911 operator, and to EMS when they arrived. With a HERO Kids registry in place, EMS would have had all the information they needed about me and my condition before they showed up. They would have been better prepared to quickly assess me, get me pain relief, and transport me to the hospital. If EMS ever responds to a situation where I can’t speak, they need to know that CPR will break my ribs. As a person with a disability you cannot see, this registry is very important to me. – Trinity R.