Faculty Development Fridays

Faculty Development Fridays website banner

Join OHSU colleagues for a series of professional education opportunities, including live-streamed presentations, virtual workshops, and facilitated discussions of webinars.

Jointly presented with the Office of Educational Improvement and Innovation. All events are open to learners, postdocs, staff, and faculty. Register for sessions in advance to receive a calendar reminder and to be updated on any changes. Or, simply use the button below at the scheduled time to access the live meeting.

Upcoming sessions

Have you seen something, but aren’t sure if you should say something? Or do you want to report something, but don’t know how?

Join members of the Office of Civil Rights Investigations and Compliance team to learn more about what is prohibited by the Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation policy as well as how to report suspected policy violations, what could happen during the investigation process, and options for informal resolution.  

Find out more about how we can work together to create a non-discriminatory, compliant, inclusive learning environment and workplace. 

Presentation and discussion from noon - 1 p.m.


Join our registration list to receive calendar invites for all upcoming Faculty Development Fridays sessions. As new sessions as added you will receive new invites. (Not sure if you're already on the list? Check here).

Alternatively, you can register for individual sessions in Compass (search "FDF").


If you have attended any past sessions we would welcome your feedback. Please use the forms linked to below to evaluate individual sessions or the program as a whole.


Program planning and volunteer opportunities

The FDF planning committee is seeking input and volunteers. Use the form below to indicate your interest in the various topics being considered for future sessions. Additionally, you can use this form to either volunteer to assist on future sessions or to recommend colleagues who may have expertise related to a given topic.

If you need an accommodation to attend or participate in this Webex-based event, please contact the Office of Faculty Development (facdev@ohsu.edu) at least five business days prior.

Previous sessions

February 2: Publication Prep: Getting Your Writing Where It Needs to Be
Facilitator: Zoe Speidel Douglas, MA

February 16: Leading Successful and Meaningful Communities of Practice
Panelists: Amy Miller Juve, Ed.D.; M.Ed., Mike Miller, MCT, MCP; Ashley Roach, Ph.D., R.N.

March 1: The Dynamics of Cultural Humility and Pillars of Prejudice and Discrimination: The Pathway to Connecting with Diverse Learners
Presenter: Scott Finnie, Ph.D.

March 15: Discussion Teaching and Active Learning in Large Group Settings
Presenter: Leila Zuo, M.D.​

April 5: Supporting Students with Mental Health Issues
Presenters: Daisy Lembke, Psy.D., Chennettée Jelleberg, M.S., CRC, Hannah Hoeflich, Psy.D., Britt Hoover, and ​​​​​​Brenda Martinez, Ph.D.

May 3: Feedback and the ADAPT model
Presenter: Leila Zuo, M.D.

October 4: Introduction to Life Design
Presenters: Brenda Martinez, Ph.D. and Seth Igarta, M.A.

November 1: Identity, Power and Positionality
Presenters: Cirila Estela Vasquez Guzman, Ph.D. and Alexander Mansour, M.P.H.

December 6: Digital Accessibility: The Why, What, and How
Presenters: Justi Echeles, M.A. and Laura Scott, M.A.

January 20: Why Aren't There More Black People in Oregon?
Presenter: Antwon Chavis, M.D.

February 3: Clinical Assessment
Presenter: Andrea Cedfeldt, M.D.

March 3: Classroom Assessment
Presenters: Sarah Jacobs, M.Ed. and Sarah Drummond, Ed.D.

March 17: Disrupting Bullying in Academic Medicine

April 7: Lunch with Leaders Pt. 4
Speakers: Ron Sakaguchi, Ph.D., D.D.S., M.B.A. and Renee Edwards, M.D., M.B.A.

April 21: Mentoring with Empathy
Facilitator: Brenda Martinez, Ph.D.

June 16: History of Juneteenth

August 4: Managing Up: Skills to Improve Career Satisfaction and Team Outcomes
Presenter: Andrea Cedfeldt, M.D.

August 18: What I Wished I Would have known after being Promoted
Facilitators: Leah Reznick, M.D. and Andrea Cedfeldt, M.D.

October 6: Recognizing the achievements of Hispanics in academic medicine and science
Panelists: Juan Amador, FASAE, CAE, Esteban Garza, M.D., Tatiana Hoyos Gomez, M.D., and Lillya Roldan
Facilitator: Leslie Garcia, M.P.A, E.d.D.

November 3: AI in Academic Health
Presenter: David A. Dorr, M.D., M.S.

December 1: Lunch with Leaders Pt. 5
Speakers: Hector Olvera Alvarez, Ph.D. and Denise Dallmann, N.D., M.S.

January 21: Navigating and Tracking your Scholarly Projects
Facilitator: Patty Carney, Ph.D.

February 18: Lunch with Leaders, Pt. 2
Speakers: Peter G. Barr-Gillespie, Ph.D. and Constance R. Tucker, M.A., Ph.D.

March 4: An Introduction to KeyLIME
Facilitators: Kirsten Moreno, Ph.D. and Devon Ritter, M.A.

March 18: Recruiting a Diverse Workforce
Presenters: Linzy Rodrigues and Octaviano Merecias-Cuevas

April 15: How to be a Great Mentee (and Mentors should attend this too)
Presenters: Somnath Mookherjee, M.D. and Neha Deshpande, M.D., University of Washington

April 29: National Minority Health Month: Spotlight on Vaccines
Presenter: Donn Spight, M.D.

June 3: Tips for Time Management
Presenter: Elisa Boden, M.D.

June 17: Joy in Work, Using a QI Systems approach to improving your enjoyment of work
Presenter: Mike Powers, M.D.

July 8: Lunch with Leaders, Pt. 3
Speakers: Erik Brodt, M.D., and Allison Fryer, Ph.D.

July 22: Professionalism and Reproductive Justice
Presenters: Jessica Reid, M.D., M.C.R., and Alyssa Colwill, M.D., M.C.R.

September 16: Navigating the System: Reinventing your OHSU Career
Moderator: Seth Igarta, M.A.
Panelists: Leslie Kahl, M.D., Scott Sherry, M.S., PA-C, Skylar Stewart-Clark, Ph.D., MSPAS, PA-C, and Jackie Wirz, Ph.D.

September 30: Navigating the System: Infusing Career Conversations in Our Work at OHSU
Presenter: Seth Igarta, M.A.

October 14: Creating LGBTQ+ Affirming Learning Environments in Medical Education
Presenter: Caleb Feldman, M.A.

October 28: Updates on the Promotion and Tenure Process: Growing and Promoting Diverse Faculty
Presenter: Alan Hunter, M.D.

November 11: Writing up Education Scholarship for Publication
Presenter: Lainie Yarris, M.D.

January 29: Career Coaching
Facilitator: Benjamin Hoffman, M.D.

February 12: Why We Hate Networking (and strategies to use instead to build meaningful professional connections)
Facilitator: Niki Steckler, Ph.D.

February 26: Moving from Associate to Full Professor
Facilitator: Andrea Cedfeldt, M.D.

March 12: Responding to Discrimination and Harassment
Presenters: Jessica Asai, J.D.; Whitney Button, J.D.; Stephanie McClure and Karen B. Eden, Ph.D.

April 9: Improving Workplace Education in the Health Professions by Applying Cognitive Load Theory
Facilitators: Emily Hillhouse, M.A., Ph.D., and Amy Forester, M.F.A.

May 7: Trauma Informed Pedagogy
Presenters: Erin Bonura, M.D. and Holly Villamagna, M.D.

May 21: Parenting in a Pandemic
Presenters: Tracey Biebel, LCSW, Linda Schmidt, M.D., Louise Elaine Vaz, M.D., M.P.H.

June 4: Understanding and Applying OHSU's Inclusive Language Guide
Presenters: Erin Hoover Barnett and Leslie Garcia, M.P.A.

June 18: Juneteenth self-study

July 9: Supporting Students with Visual Disabilities in Health Science Education
Presenters: Jennifer Gossett, M.S., Sheila Burkett-Luckey, M.A., CRC, and Kenneth Sanchez

August 20: Structural Racism in Medical Education
Facilitator: Reem Hasan, M.D., Ph.D.

September 24: Health Literacy and Systemic Racism: Addressing Inequities through Clear Communication
Presenter: Cliff Coleman, M.D., M.P.H.

October 8: Tools and Methods for Developing Your Online Presence
Presenters: William Hersh, M.D., Robin Champieux, and Rachel Dresbeck, Ph.D.

November 5: Lunch with Leaders
Speakers: Susan Bakewell-Sachs, Ph.D., R.N., and Atif Zaman, M.D., M.P.H.

  • Recording of session (note that we were only able to record one each of the speakers’ two small group discussions)
  • Resource list (selection of books recommended by the speakers)

November 19: The Art of Saying No
Facilitator: Lissi Hansen, Ph.D., R.N.

May 15: Wellness and Technology
Facilitator: Niki Steckler, Ph.D.

May 29: Leading in Uncertain Conditions
Facilitator: Brian Park, M.D., M.P.H.

June 12: Remote Collaboration
Facilitator: Jessica Walter

June 26: Responding to Racial Bias
Facilitator: Graciela Vidal, M.S., M.A.

July 10: Virtual Voices: Sharing the Mic
Presenter: Suzanne Atkin, M.S.

July 24: Acting Against Disrespect
Facilitator: Leslie Garcia, M.P.A.

August 7: Science of Effective Coaching
Facilitator: Steve Kinder, MPA

August 21: Integrating Humanities with Sciences
Facilitator: Elizabeth Lahti, M.D.

September 4: Advancing Women into Leadership
Facilitator: Leah Reznick, M.D.

September 18: Health Professions Education Scholarship (View the recording of this session)
Facilitator: Constance R. Tucker, M.A., Ph.D.

October 2: Understanding Unconscious Bias
Facilitator: Crystal Roberts, J.D.

October 16: Converting Your Teaching and Assessment Materials into Educational Scholarship through MedEdPORTAL (View the recording of this session)
Presenters: Grace Huang, M.D., Editor-in-Chief and Sara Hunt, Managing Editor, MedEdPORTAL

October 30: Pathways for Advancing Hispanic Health
Facilitator: Susan Shugerman, M.F.A., Ed.D.

November 20: Managing and Working Remotely
Facilitator: Katy Fonner

December 4: Building Your Wellness Toolkit: Promoting Connection to Joy and Purpose
Facilitator: James B. Clements, M.D., F.A.C.P.

December 11: Supporting Black Students and Mentees
Facilitator: Marie Angele Theard, M.D.

Faculty Development Fridays Attendance details for AY2022-23
Click image to view as a PDF infographic.
2021-22 Faculty Development Fridays Attendance Data
Click image to view as a PDF infographic.
Attendance data infographic for 2020-21 Faculty Development Fridays series.
Click image to view as a PDF infographic.

Program planning team

Andrea Cedfeldt, M.D.
Professor of Medicine
Associate Dean, Faculty Development

Kacy Kesecker
Administrative Coordinator
Office of Faculty Development

Pamela Meyers
Faculty Development Specialist
Teaching and Learning Center

Devon Ritter, M.A.
Program Design Specialist
Office of Faculty Development

National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity

OHSU is an institutional member of the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity. The NCFDD is a nationally recognized, independent organization that provides online career development and mentoring resources for faculty, postdocs and graduate students.