Promotion and Tenure

Featured opportunity

CV/EP Drop-in Sessions

The Office of Faculty Development will be hosting a series of drop-in sessions for faculty in the School of Medicine to update their Curriculum Vitae (CV) and Educator's Portfolio (EP). Space will be reserved for a three-hour block of time. SoM faculty who sign-up to attend are welcome to drop-in during any point and stay for as long as they would like. Sample CV's and EP's of existing OHSU faculty at different career stages will be made available.

Current drop-in dates/times/location

  • Wed., April 10 | 1 p.m. – 4 p.m. (AUD 217)
  • Tues., May 28 | 7 a.m. – 10 a.m. (AUD 217)

Use the link above to learn more and register.

Promotion and tenure can seem daunting. To help in this process, the School of Medicine Faculty Affairs team has put together, and maintains, a valuable resource page to help guide you through the process.

Promotion and Tenure

This Promotion and Tenure faculty page has a wealth of resources to help you understand the P&T process as well as tips from colleagues to help with the process. In addition to finding key information about P&T policies, criteria and procedures, you can expect to find:

  • Information about the new curriculum vitae template and guide (effective July 1, 2024), including an OHSU curriculum vitae annotated guide and a Mentoring and coaching  profile annotated guide
  • Information on Updating your CV in the era of COVID-19
  • A presentation on Assessing Faculty Readiness for Promotion
  • Guide to Writing Personal Statements
  • A link to a list of Departmental Promotion and Tenure Committee Chairs
  • As well as many other guides, templates and reference documents designed to help you through the P&T process.

Make sure to check back often for updated resources and to stay informed of dates for application openings or other key deadlines.