Awards and Accomplishments

Family Medicine physician awarded the OHSU Sharp Professorship

April 2024

Brigit Hatch, M.D., M.P.H., a physician dually certified in family medicine and preventive medicine, was named the Charles R. and Velma E. Sharp Professor in the OHSU School of Medicine. Hatch has a primary care practice at OHSU’s Rural Health clinic in Scappoose where she combines individual clinical care with population and system-level innovations to improve the delivery of health care. She is an associate professor in the OHSU School of Medicine and is active in teaching medical students and residents and leads research that aims to improve health care systems.

Hatch studied at Cornell University before enrolling in OHSU’s M.D./M.P.H. program, where she trained under Tom Becker, M.D., the first recipient of the OHSU Sharp Professorship. She completed residency training in OHSU’s combined family medicine and preventive medicine residency program.

The establishment of this professorship was made possible through the estate planning generosity of OHSU School of Medicine graduate Charles Sharp, M.D., class of 1935, and his wife, Velma. In addition to this endowed professorship, the Sharp family endowed a scholarship to support students in family medicine.

An ideal candidate for the professorship is a “public health expert focused on cancer research that includes prevention and outreach and who is well-positioned to generate new knowledge in their field.” Hatch’s research is focused on how large, system-level changes – such as the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, or the COVID-19 pandemic – impact health and health outcomes for vulnerable populations.  

“It has been an incredible honor to be appointed to the Charles and Velma Sharp Professorship,” says Hatch. “I am incredibly grateful for this generous opportunity and I am eager to start planning how to maximize its impact.”

In addition to her primary care practice, she works at an OHSU family medicine specialty clinic teaching procedural skills for the screening, testing and surveillance of endometrial and cervical cancers and holds research appointments with OCHIN, a national network of community health centers, and ORPRN (Oregon Rural Practice-based Research Network), where she is leading work to improve HPV vaccination rates in rural settings.

“Looking forward, I hope to continue studying the impacts of policies and systems changes on receipt of preventive care, work to innovate systems for preventive care delivery, and partner with regional groups to build trusting relationships to support cancer screening and prevention,” she says. “There is a lot of work ahead and I am so appreciative of this generous professorship to support the process.”

A plant growing

Catalogue of Awards

A list of awards and honors Family Medicine faculty and staff have received since the department's inception in 1971. 

Residency Awards

For Outstanding Resident Contribution  

Recipients between 1991 - 2008

  • 1991 Michael S. Booker, M.D. & Lisa Grill Dodson, M.D. 
  • 1992 Manya Blumberg Helman, M.D. 
  • 1993 Camille Callais Pitre, M.D. & Bruce Edward Thomson, M.D. 
  • 1994 Elinor Jean Tatham, M.D. & Cynthia Anne Woodson, M.D. 
  • 1997 Teresa Gipson, M.D. 
  • 1998 David B. Graham, M.D. & Frances Biagioli, M.D. 
  • 1999 Michael Schooling, M.D. 
  • 2000 Elizabeth Clark, M.D. 
  • 2001 Jim Little, M.D. 
  • 2004 Marina Mezey, M.D. 
  • 2005 Rima Chamie, M.D. 
  • 2006 Liz Powers, M.D. 
  • 2007 Heidi Gullett, M.D. 
  • 2008 Cat Livingston, M.D.  

By Graduating Residents, OHSU Family Medicine

Recipients from 2007 - 2018

  • 2007 Johanna Warren, M.D. 
  • 2008 Frank Dornfest, M.D. 
  • 2009 Jennnifer Lochner, M.D. 
  • 2010 Craig D. Williams, Pharm.D.  
  • 2011 Steven Wahls, M.D. 
  • 2012 Ryan C. Petering, M.D. 
  • 2013 Daisuke Yamashita, M.D. 
  • 2014 Joe Skariah, D.O., M.P.H. 
  • 2015 Smriti Ohri, M.D. 
  • 2016 Holly Hofkamp, M.D. 
  • 2017 Holly Hofkamp, M.D. 
  • 2018 Christina Milano, M.D. 

For Outstanding Residency Improvement 

Recipients from 2008 - 2019:

  • 2008 Dahra Perkins, M.D. 
  • 2009 Ryan Petering, M.D. 
  • 2010 Thayer White, M.D. 
  • 2011 Mellisa Pensa, M.D. 
  • 2012 Ashley E. Hart, M.D. 
  • 2013 Filza Akhtar, D.O. 
  • 2014 Thomas Henry Nguyen Quattlebaum, M.D. 
  • 2016 Anthony Cheng, M.D. 
  • 2017 Wilfredo Giordano-Perez, M.D. 
  • 2018 Alexander Zweig, M.D. 
  • 2019 Ben Hersh, M.D. 

For outstanding skills and interest in teaching 

Recipients from 2000 - 2019

  • 2000 Elizabeth Callaghan, M.D. 
  • 2001 Justin Denny, M.D. 
  • 2002 Bruin Rugge, M.D. 
  • 2003 Andrew Mendenhall, M.D. 
  • 2004 Michelle Adler, M.D. 
  • 2005 Ted Chaplain, M.D. 
  • 2006 Johanna Warren, M.D. 
  • 2007 Summer Liston, M.D. 
  • 2008 Justin Wheeler, M.D. 
  • 2009 Daisuke Yamashita, M.D. 
  • 2010 Nichole Yonke, M.D. 
  • 2011 Benjamin Schneider, M.D.  
  • 2013 Kathleen R. Chung, M.D. 
  • 2014 Laurel Brook Witt, M.D., M.Phil 
  • 2016 Rita Lahlou, M.D., M.P.H. 
  • 2017 Nathan Brooks, M.D., M.P.H. 
  • 2018 Whitney Roper, M.D. 
  • 2019 Mustafa Alavi, M.D.  

To honor those who, through teaching and personal example, have advanced Family Medicine in Oregon 

  • Merle Pennington, M.D. 
  • Laurel G. Case, M.D. 
  • William A. Fisher, M.D. 
  • Peter A. Goodwin, M.D. 
  • Robert B. Taylor, M.D. 
  • James F. Calvert, M.D. 
  • John W. Saultz, M.D. 

  • Warren Newton, M.D., M.P.H. 
  • Frank DeGruy III, M.D. M.S.F.M. 
  • Robert Phillips, Jr. M.D., M.S.P.H. 
  • Eric Holmboe, M.D., F.A.C.P., F.R.C.P 
  • Steven Woolf, M.D., M.P.H 

For outstanding achievement in capstone project 

  • 2016 Anthony Cheng, M.D. 
  • 2017 Nathan Brooks, M.D., M.P.H. & Jade Koide, M.D. 
  • 2018 Amelia Baker, M.D., M.P.H. 
  • 2019 Mustafa Alavi, M.D. & Ben Hersh, M.D. 

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