Ear, Nose & Throat

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging

The Department of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery recognizes the widespread existence of systemic and structural racism in our community and nation. We are committed to combating this at all levels. By doing so we will address health inequities and promote diversity and inclusion. Join us in this effort as we strive to enhance our culture of care and tolerance. 

Otolaryngology Diversity & Anti-racism Committee

The Otolaryngology Diversity & Anti-racism Committee (ODAC) was formed in May 2020 with the goal of developing a multi-faceted approach to becoming a truly anti-racist department which aligns with OHSU’s priority to do the same. ODAC’s active membership is comprised of department leadership, faculty, residents, APPs, and staff and has been meeting monthly since it’s formation.  During it’s lifetime, ODAC has pursued and accomplished many projects and goals and continues to thrive as it becomes more established. 

Below is a list of projects and accomplishments of this group, if you would like further information about ODAC, its work, or have general questions then please reach out to otohnseducation@ohsu.edu

  • Semiannual presentations at Department Grand Rounds on DEIB topics.
  • Support residency program recruitment by participating in application review and interviews
  • Deliver a biannual state of diversity in residency recruitment to the Department
  • Support faculty recruitment by being a resource for Department Chair and Service Chiefs
  • Participate in outreach efforts at the high school level through the On Track program
  • Apply for honorarium funding for DEIB speakers through the Center for Diversity and Inclusion’s Race, Equity and Inclusion Funding Opportunity, this project is now known as the Health Equity & Anti-Racism Talks (HEART) Website.
  • Develop public statements for the department in response to issues that impact our ability to advance DEI initiatives.
  • Develop a $2,000 scholarship for visiting 4th year medical students to help offset the cost of completing an away-rotation with the department. More information here. 
  • Develop public health research related opportunities
  • Develop funding opportunities for medical students and public health students to support efforts to identify and address health disparities in our patient population.
  • Re-initiate Department’s involvement in health screening days. 
Otolaryngology Residents at a Black Lives Matter Protest
Residents joining the Black Lives Matter Protest

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging at OHSU

We’re proud to have robust support for DEIB initiatives at OHSU.  To learn more about this please visit OHSU’s DEIB webpage.