Family Planning Program

The Section of Family Planning at OHSU consists of 13 physicians and scientists committed to advancing reproductive justice through direct clinical care, teaching, research, and advocacy. We have domestic and global expertise in policy, clinical trials, abortion trainings, and guideline development. Education, mentorship and community outreach is at the forefront of all of our work: we are dedicated to training the next generation of leaders in family planning.
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Advocacy is an integral component of family planning, along with excellence in clinical care, research and education. We train our residents and fellows to become leaders with expertise in policy and advocacy at the local and state level.

In 2019, then medical student Kimberley Bullard was honored by the National Abortion Federation for the Elizabeth Karlin Early Achievement Award for her dedication to and research in family planning. Elizabeth Karlin was a tireless advocate for women's rights and health issues. Throughout her career she was an outspoken advocate for women's reproductive rights.

Research is a cornerstone of what we do and it is integral to improving the care we provide. We are proud to have a number of our faculty active on the Editorial Board of our professional journal, Contraception (not pictured, Dr. Blair Darney) and all of our faculty are active peer reviewers for the journal.

Dr. Alison Edelman being honored as one of the recipients of OHSU's 2020 Women in Academic Health and Medicine Award in mentoring.

Dr. Edelman’s emergency contraception research was honored by The American Society for Emergency Contraception & The International Consortium for Emergency Contraception. She received the 2017 Charlotte Ellertson Innovation Award.

Family planning is an integrated part of health care at OHSU. Family planning and maternal fetal medicine specialists work closely together to ensure that all women and families receive the high quality, evidence based care they need. Here are Family Planning and Maternal Fetal Medicine specialists celebrating reproductive autonomy.

At the national Society of Family Planning meeting, Dr. Maria Rodriguez was honored with the “Beacon of Science Award,” for her research evaluating and driving policy change. She is specifically interested in generating information to help guide evidence based reproductive health policy both domestically and internationally and says, “We have the privilege and responsibility to improve the health of the communities we care for. The disparities and underlying systemic factors observe in the clinical care I provide drive me to conduct research that connects the divide between policy, economics, and health.”

OHSU Family Planning has participated in the development of a novel low-cost device to treat postpartum hemorrhage globally. We collaborated with partners at the University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka Zambia to pilot the device, and we'll be scaling up to include additional countries shortly.

Our pathway to developing a better tool to treat postpartum hemorrhage. Our initial launch was generously supported by USAID’s ‘Saving Lives at Birth’ grant program (Pictured Dr. Rodriguez presenting research at the Saving Lives at Birth Conference).

Over the decades that he has worked as an ObGyn, Dr. Mark Nichols has always put family planning services and mentorship front and center.
In 2015, he was recognized by the Society of Family Planning for the critical contribution he has made as a mentor to numerous individuals pursuing careers in ObGyn and family planning.