Faculty and Staff

Our workplace culture

"We are a compassionate and kind team. We find purpose in striving for a world where all people have what they need. We celebrate the range of human experiences through a culture of learning and growth. We work toward change with flexibility, enthusiasm, and joy." - the collective team

Click on a photo to skip to a brief bio of the person below

Rhonda Eppelsheimer

Rhonda Eppelsheimer, M.S.W., LCSW

UCEDD co-Director

Rachel Benson, Assistant Director, OHSU UCEDD

Rachel Benson, M.S.W.

Assistant Director

Corey Coloma

Corey C.

Research Assistant

Maureen DeLongis

Maureen DeLongis, M.S.W., LCSW

Director of Social Work

Sarah Fjeldstad, M.S.W., Project Coordinator at UCEDD

Sarah Fjeldstad, M.S.W.

Project Coordinator

Willi Horner-Johnson

Willi Horner-Johnson, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Morrigan Hunter

Morrigan Hunter, M.A., M.S.W.

Community Research Liaison

Melanie Fried-Oken

Melanie Fried-Oken, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

UCEDD co-Director

Jennifer Kotzin

Jennifer Kotzin, B.S., B.A.

Research Assistant

Reanna McMillan, a young woman with shoulder-length blond hair wearing a black short sleeve top, sits outside in front of a fence.

Reanna McMillan, B.S.

Education & Training Coordinator

Student Worker Samantha New

Samantha New, B.A.

Student Worker

Anne Niven

Anne Niven, M.Div.

Research Assistant

Kira Norton

Kira Norton, M.P.H.

Research Assistant

Emily Quinn, Assistant Professor, OHSU UCEDD

Emily Quinn, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

Associate Director

Jana Peterson-Besse

Jana Peterson-Besse, Ph.D., M.P.H.

Program Manager for OODH

Hannah Sanford-Keller

Hannah Sanford-Keller, M.S., CCC-SLP

Speech-Language Pathologist

Kim Solondz

Kim Solondz, M.S., OTR/L

Director of Occupational Therapy

Jan circle

Janice Staehely

Communication Consultant

Larissa Yoshino

Larissa Yoshino, M.P.H.

Data and Communication Manager

Faculty and staff bios

Rhonda Eppelsheimer, M.S.W., LCSW, co-Director

Rhonda Eppelsheimer, M.S.W., is serving as the co-director of the OHSU University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities [faculty profile]. Eppelsheimer is credentialed as a licensed clinical social worker focusing on adolescent transition, mental health, and strengthening supports and systems for families who are raising children who experience disability. Back to photos

Melanie Fried-Oken, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, co-Director

Melanie Fried-Oken, Ph.D., C.C.C.-S.P., the other co-director of the OHSU University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, is an international expert in the field of assistive technology for children and adults with disabilities [faculty profile]. Dr. Fried-Oken conducts federally funded research in the area of augmentative and alternative communication. Back to photos

Emily Quinn, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

Emily Quinn, Ph.D., C.C.C.-S.L.P., is Associate Director of the UCEDD, Assistant Professor at OHSU, and a speech-language pathologist and researcher at the Institute on Development and Disability [faculty profile]. Quinn’s research and clinical focus include designing and implementing language interventions for children with intellectual and developmental disabilities, augmentative and alternative communication, and telehealth or telepractice. Back to photos

Rachel Benson, M.S.W.

Rachel Benson, M.S.W., is Assistant Director for the UCEDD. Rachel's work includes guiding projects such as the Public Health Workforce (PHWF) Grant, the COVID-19 Vaccine Access Grant, and the Summer Internship Program (SIP). She has case management experience in maternal health, addiction, and disability, and is passionate about addressing health disparities, mental health, and improving systemsBack to photos

Corey C.

Corey is a research assistant for the UCEDD. Coloma has worked on various projects including the National Core Indicators project. Back to photos

Maureen DeLongis, M.S.W., LCSW

Maureen DeLongis, M.S.W., L.C.S.W., is an assistant professor, and the director of social work for the Institute on Development and Disability [faculty profile]. DeLongis specializes in providing mental health services to children and families experiencing neurodevelopmental disorders. Her focus includes sibling support, health care transition, and mental health. Back to photos

Sarah Fjeldstad, M.S.W.

Sarah Fjeldstad, M.S.W. is Project Coordinator for the Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Peer Support project to develop a national plan for AAC peer support models. Sarah's degree focus was policy and programs to address poverty and disability. She has a decade of experience in quality assurance for programs supporting adults with I/DD. Back to photos

Willi Horner-Johnson, Ph.D.

Willi Horner-Johnson, Ph.D., is an associate professor and researcher at the Institute on Development and Disability [faculty profile]. Dr. Horner-Johnson’s research focuses on the reproductive health of people with disabilities, and on disparities in access to, and quality of, health care received by people with disabilities. She is also the principal investigator for the Oregon Office on Disability and Health. Back to photos

Morrigan Hunter, M.A., M.S.W.

Morrigan Hunter, M.A., M.S.W. is a Community Research Liaison with the UCEDD. Their current work includes a quality-improvement study of the Friendships and Dating Program as well as providing training on trauma informed care and disability for teachers of transition-aged youth with disabilities. Back to photos

Jennifer Kotzin, B.S., B.A.

Jennifer Kotzin, B.S., B.A., is a research assistant for the UCEDD. Kotzin works on the National Core Indicators project and is also the research assistant for the Spina Bifida Registry project through the Institute on Development and Disability at OHSU. Her interests lie in mental health support, specifically in depression, hopelessness, and suicide prevention. Back to photos

Reanna McMillan, B.S.

Reanna McMillan, B.S. is the Education & Training Coordinator for the UCEDD. She works on coordinating trainees and programs including the UCEDD Summer Internship, Friendships & Dating, and educational program planning within medical programs at OHSU. She is passionate about disability equity and advocacy for the community. Back to photos

Samantha New, B.A.

Samantha New, B.A., is a student worker at the UCEDD. New plays a supportive role assisting with data entry, data cleaning, grant reporting requirements, and the development and dissemination of UCEDD products. A post-bacc student at Oregon State University, Sam is pursuing a B.S. in Environmental Science with a specialization in applied ecology. Back to photos

Anne Niven, M.Div.

Anne Newkirk Niven, M.Div., is a research assistant and interviewer for the UCEDD. Niven works on the National Core Indicators project, and the RRTC Prevalence study. Back to photos

Kira Norton, M.P.H.

Kira Norton, M.P.H., is a research assistant for the UCEDD. Norton works on various projects including the National Core Indicators project and the Personal Responsibility Education Program. She also assists with data cleaning and management, survey development, and community outreach. Back to photos

Jana Peterson-Besse, Ph.D., M.P.H.

Jana Peterson-Besse, Ph.D., M.P.H., is the program manager for the Oregon Office on Disability and Health. Dr. Peterson-Besse’s work focuses on improving health and health care equity for people with disabilities. She also works on increasing the inclusion of disability equity concepts within public health education. Back to photos

Hannah Sanford-Keller, M.S., CCC-SLP

Hannah Sanford-Keller, M.S., C.C.C.-S.L.P., is an assistant professor and speech-language pathologist at the Institute on Development and Disability [faculty profile]. Sanford-Keller has advanced training in the diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorders, communication disorders, and cleft palate or craniofacial disorders. She specializes in the 0–5 age range. Back to photos

Kim Solondz, M.S., OTR/L

Kim Solondz, M.S., O.T.R./L., is director of the Occupational Therapy Program at the Institute on Development and Disability [faculty profile]. Solondz has expertise in health care transition for teens and young adults with disabilities. She also directs the AOTA-Accredited Occupational Therapy Fellowship Program training occupational therapists focused on neurodevelopmental and related disabilities. Back to photos

Janice Staehely

Janice Staehely is a communication consultant, self-advocate and blogger for the UCEDD and the Institute on Development and Disability. Staehely is also a UCEDD research assistant. While experiencing cerebral palsy and using an assistive communication device, she passionately advocates for disability rights and inclusive access to health care. Back to photos

Larissa Yoshino, M.P.H.

Larissa Yoshino, M.P.H., is the Data and Communication Manager for the UCEDD. Yoshino oversees the UCEDD’s core grant-specific National Information Reporting System database, and assists with grant reporting. She also leads product development, communications, and community engagement. Her expertise is in public health issue-framing, policy advocacy, and communication strategy. Back to photos