Learn About Disasters and Emergencies

Types of Disasters

Click the boxes below to learn about some of the different kinds of disasters or emergencies that you might need to prepare for.


Wildfire icon for Emergency Preparedness

Extreme Heat

Heat Emergency Preparedness


Wildfire Season Emergency Preparedness

Power Outage

Power Outage Emergency Preparedness

Storm or Flood

House in a rainstorm and flood disaster




Icon Sick Pandemic Emergency Preparedness


Snowstorm disaster Ready Now



Wildfire Disaster Resources

OHSU Video: Stay healthy when the air is smoky
Watch a 48-second captioned video with tips to stay healthy when the air is smoky.
DRO Preparing for Wildfire Emergencies

Webpage: Preparing for Wildfire Emergencies

Webpage with an accessible video (ASL and captions available) on general wildfire emergency tips, and information on what Oregonians with disabilities can do now to prepare.

A flyer from Oregon.gov about evacuation levels.

Flyer: Wildfire evacuation levels

A 1-page PDF called "Be ready. Be set. Go now!" that explains the different levels of evacuation, how to prepare in advance to evacuate, what to do when evacuating, and when it is safe to go back.
En Español: Niveles de evacuación de incendios forestales

Protecting Your Lungs from Wildfire Smoke

Mask Infographic: Protecting Your Lungs from Wildfire Smoke

Webpage with an infographic and text explaining how to properly wear a mask to protect yourself from wildfire smoke.
En Español: Solo ciertas máscaras protegen sus pulmones del humo de los incendios forestales

Power Outage Resources

Red Cross How to Prepare for a Power Outage

American Red Cross: Power Outage Safety

A webpage about power outages, including how to plan ahead, and what to do during and after an outage. It has two videos with captions: one with general information and one for kids.
En Español: Cómo prepararse para un corte de energía

Pandemic Resources

Pandemic resources from Ready.gov

Ready.gov: Pandemics

A webpage with information on preparing for a pandemic, and staying safe during and after a pandemic. Many other resources are linked. 
Available in languages other than English

Extreme Heat Resources

DRO Extreme Heat

Webpage: Extreme Heat Resources

A wepage with general information in plain language on how to stay safe during heat waves with links to Oregon-specific information like cooling center locations.

Beat the Heat OHA
A 1-page graphic that provides tips on how to stay cool when it is very hot outside. 
Heat exhaustion and Heat stroke signs

Flyer: Heat Exhaustion

A 1-page flyer explaining the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. It advises on what to do if you experience these dangerous heat-related illnesses.

Storm and Flood Resources

Storm or flood icon 200x140

Coming Soon!

For now, check out the Storm or Flood section of the Ready Now! Tool Kit

Snowstorm Resources

Snowstorm icon 200x140

Coming Soon!

For now, check out the Extreme Weather section of the Ready Now! Tool Kit

Fire Resources

Fire icon 200x140

Coming Soon!

For now, check out the Fire section of the Ready Now! Tool Kit

Earthquake Resources

Earthquake icon 200x140

Coming Soon!

For now, check out the Earthquake section of the Ready Now! Tool Kit

Tsunami Resources

Tsunami icon 200x140

Coming Soon!

For now, check out the Tsunami section of the Ready Now! Tool Kit