Get Prepared

Below are videos, lists, flyers, and more to help you prepare for an emergency or disaster. Some of these may have information that is also included in another resource. Do not feel like you need to review them all. Choose the resources that feel most helpful for you.

Video: How do You Prepare for a Disaster

Watch a 4-minute video on how to prepare for a disaster.

Featured resources

Poster: Emergency Preparedness for People with Disabilities

Emergency Preparedness for Older Adults and People with Disabilities

Get prepared and build an emergency kit

Learn how to prepare for an emergency like a power outage, build a kit, and get support.

View the poster

Flyer: Building an Emergency Kit on a Budget

Public Alerts Supplies on a budget

Tips for getting supplies on a budget

Building an emergency kit does not have to be expensive. Get some ideas here.

View the flyer

Website: Emergency Planning for People with Additional Needs

Website Public Alerts Additional Needs

What will you need during a disaster?

Everyone has different needs. Learn more about how to prepare for your needs.

Visit the website

Emergency supplies and kits

Build an emergency kit


Health Profile Card for Emergency Preparedness

Health Profile: Download a 3-page document to fill out and keep with you to easily communicate health-related information like allergies, medications, and what kind of assistance you need in case of an emergency. Source: 

Available in languages other than English. See Listos California

Communication Aids from Temple University

Communication Aids: A website with free downloadable emergency communication aids. You'll find links to PDFs of documents in multiple languages with emergency communication picture aids, and other resources.

Available in English and Spanish.

Guides for planning

Ready Now! Tool Kit, 2nd Edition

A preview of the PDF toolkit

The Ready Now! Emergency Preparedness Tool Kit for People with Disabilities is a 150-page guide to complete emergency planning.

  • 12 sections broken down into separate documents
  • designed to be printed or viewed online
  • fillable PDF worksheets
  • screen-reader accessible
  • plain language

En Español - Kit de herramientas de preparación ante emergencias

Video: Feeling Safe, Being Safe - Sam's Story

A 12-minute video with captions that reviews general information on how to prepare for an emergency and reviews the Planning Workbook: Feeling Safe and Being Safe (below).

Planning Workbook: Feeling Safe and Being Safe

Planning Workbook: Feeling Safe and Being Safe

A 6-page PDF workbook for emergency planning. It provides fill-able worksheets about personal safety, who to call in an emergency, and other community resources. It also provides a checklist of emergency kit items and gives safety tips.

Download the workbook  |  Descargar el libro de trabajo