Health of Oregon Adults with Disabilities - Medicaid Data and Disparities

The UCEDD collaborated with the OHSU Center for Health Systems Effectiveness Research (CHSE) on a research study looking at health disparities in the adult IDD population in Oregon that used Medicaid claims data in 2022. The findings were used to develop policy and research recommendations as a call to action for the public health workforce.
Six health domains were examined:

  • Mental health
  • Substance use
  • Hospital visits
  • Diabetes care
  • Oral health
  • Cancer screening

This data dashboard looks at 17 measures in these six different health domains. The study included 2,066 adult Oregonians with IDD who use Medicaid and 2,066 adult Oregonians who do not have IDD and use Medicaid. The data was divided into subgroups based on age, gender, where people live (urban or rural), and their race and ethnicity. This helps to closely examine each group to see if there are any important differences in care.

Data dashboard

2022 Oregon Medicaid Service Use: Comparing IDD and Non-IDD Populations

Data dashboard created and maintained by the Oregon Clinical and Translational Research Institute.

Please note:

  • The dashboard highlights statistically significant findings. This means that the data analysis result was very unlikely to have happened by chance.
  • The data is only from Medicaid members who received health care in 2022.
  • The analysis might have missed patients with IDD if the health care professional did not include an IDD diagnosis code in the visit information, or if they did not have a health care appointment in 2022.
  • There is only data for male and female genders which limits our understanding of health disparities for people that have other gender expressions.
  • In some cases, there is not enough data for a category which limits our understanding of those results and how categories interact (for example, race and gender).
  • Differences in outcomes could be because of IDD or other factors we could not measure.

Project reports

A screen shot of the front cover of the report with the title, date, and grey-scale image of the pillars of a suspension bridge

Final report

Evaluating Health Disparities of Medicaid Members Diagnosed with IDD in Oregon

Read the full report
A screenshot of the cover of the report "Assessing Health Differences in Oregon Adult Medicaid Members with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Plain Language Report"

Plain Language Report

Coming soon!

Project funding

The UCEDD and the Oregon Council on Developmental Disabilities received funding from the Administration for Community Living (ACL) to build and support a public health workforce to serve individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) under Grant #90UCPH0061-01.