Career Development and Scholarship

Career Development Tracks

Our main goal is to foster your growth and professional identity. Although your first year will be clinically heavy, fellows have the opportunity to reflect on their passions and meet with mentors during two career development weeks. We have also created three tracks, each with tailored mentorship and scholarly training. PCCM fellows choose the track they want to pursue after their first year.

Fellows on this track do up to 18 blocks of scholarly time throughout fellowship working closely with a primary mentor in clinical or basic science research. They also participate in a weekly research club where they receive guidance and mentorship from our physician scientist faculty at large with their current projects. Physician Scientist fellows often pursue additional coursework through the OHSU Human Investigations Program which can be the foundation for a Masters in Clinical Research. We encourage fellows on this track to apply for our Pulmonary T32 training grant that can fund additional years of research after the ACGME fellowship years. 

Deliverables include:

Present original research at ATS or CHEST

  • Scholarly work including manuscript writing or grant application submission
  • Generate preliminary data that can be used to support a K award following fellowship
  • Attend mentorship team meetings at least quarterly throughout the year

Sample Schedule:

Sample schedule for Physician Scientist
Photograph of Dr. Anas Rihawi at CHEST
Dr. Singh presenting at ATS 2024

Fellows on this track complete between 21 and 26 blocks of clinical time with roughly 13 blocks of scholarly time throughout their fellowship. Clinician Educator fellows are strongly encouraged to apply for and complete OHSU’s Education Scholars Program, a one-year certificate program in education theory, scholarship, and curriculum development. Fellows on this track have focused opportunities to develop curricula alongside their faculty mentor as well as lead direct teaching sessions to APPs, residents, and medical students with coaching and feedback from Clinician Educator faculty.

Deliverables include:

  • Present curricula or education scholarship at ATS, CHEST, or APCCMPD
  • Participate in educational electives as an instructor for regional teaching activities such as Intern Retreat, MICU Resident Curriculum, Transition to Clinical Experience, Noon Conference, etc
  • Attend mentorship team meetings at least quarterly throughout the year.

Sample Schedule

Sample schedule for Clinician Educator
Photograph of Dr. Tameka Smith presenting at ATS

This is a predominantly clinical track, with approximately 8-10 blocks of scholarly and elective time. Fellows on this track will participate in either the generalist or subspecialty pathway, focusing on developing a clinical niche.  Master Clinician fellows will have opportunities to focus on procedural subspecialties such as ECMO or IP, pulmonary subspecialties (Pulmonary Hypertension, Interstitial Lung Disease, Cystic Fibrosis), or leadership and hospital administration. They will also have additional rotations at our community sites.

Deliverables include:

  • Present a QI project or research in their clinical area of interest at ATS or CHEST
  • Serve as a member in a hospital or clinical operations committee
  • Attend mentorship team meetings at least quarterly throughout the year

Sample Schedule

Master Clinician Schedule
Photograph of Drs. Beth Collins and Aaron Trimble at NACFC