Annual Casey Eye Symposium

A series of tiny colorful lights create a shape that resembles an eye. There is a yellow triangle on the bottom left side with the OHSU Casey Eye Institute logo, the date May 30, 2025, and the event name Annual Casey Eye Symposium.

Continuing Education Conference in Ophthalmology

We look forward to hosting the 2025 Annual Casey Eye Symposium at OHSU! Please join us for this continuing medical education meeting bringing together experts in all ophthalmic sub-specialties to share and discuss best practices and innovations in the field. 

Date: Friday, May 30, 2025
Time: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. with reception to follow
Location: OHSU Knight Cancer Research Building, Portland, OR

This activity will be eligible for AMA PRA Category 1TM credits.

Guest speakers

Headshot of Dr. George Bartley

George B. Bartley, M.D. 
Chief Executive Officer, American Board of Ophthalmology 
The Louis and Evelyn Krueger Professor of Ophthalmology
Mayo Clinic

Headshot photo of Dr. Aaron Lee

Aaron Y. Lee, MD, MSCI
Professor of Ophthalmology
C. Dan and Irene Hunter Endowed Professorship
Department of Ophthalmology
University of Washington School of Medicine 

Target audience

Ophthalmologists, optometrists, residents, fellows and eye care providers.


Date: Friday, May 30, 2025
Time: 8 a.m. -  4 p.m.
Location: Knight Cancer Research Building, South Waterfront

A reception will follow the program from 4 - 5 p.m. We hope your schedule allows you to join us.

Knight Cancer Research Building

2720 S. Moody Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97201

Learning objectives

  1. Describe key innovations in ophthalmology with greatest potential impact in clinical practice in the near future.
  2. Understand the process of translating ophthalmic research into clinical practice.

Program planning committee

  • Hemakshi Adke - Nothing to Disclose
  • Aiyin Chen, M.D. - Nothing to Disclose
  • Julie Falardeau, M.D. - Nothing to Disclose
  • Seema Gupta, M.D. - Nothing to Disclose
  • Thomas Hwang, M.D. - Nothing to Disclose
  • Brooke Harkness, O.D. - Nothing to Disclose
  • Susan Minnieweather - Nothing to Disclose
  • Afshan Nanji, M.D. - Received One-time paid
    trial of equipment from Beyeonics for which consulting fees were received. 
  • Amanda Redfern, M.D. - Nothing to Disclose
  • Leah Reznick, M.D. - Nothing to Disclose
  • Lorri Wilson, M.D. - Nothing to Disclose
  • Daniel Tu, M.D., Ph.D. - Nothing to Disclose

Continuing medical education credits

Accreditation information will be available before the event. We will apply for AMA PRA Category 1TM credits.

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