Ocular Immunology Lab
The Ocular Immunology Laboratory at Casey Eye Institute offers several anti-retinal autoantibody tests that support clinical symptoms of Cancer-Associated Retinopathy (CAR), Melanoma-Associated Retinopathy (MAR), Autoimmune Retinopathy, Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD), and anti-optic nerve autoantibody tests for Autoimmune Optic Neuropathy in serum and fluids.
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Offered tests
For serum Anti-retinal Autoantibodies:
- Autoimmune Retinopathy Panel by Immunoblot
- CAR Panel by Immunoblot and Immunohistochemistry (IHC)
- MAR Panel by Immunoblot and Immunohistochemistry (IHC)
- Anti-Bestrophin Autoantibodies
- AMD Panel by Immunoblot
- Western blot for anti-retinal autoantibodies (recommended only in follow up cases)
For Autoimmune Optic Neuropathy in Serum and/or Cerebrospinal Fluid:
- Western blot for anti-optic nerve autoantibodies in the serum
- Western blot for anti-optic nerve autoantibodies in CSF
Indications for testing

How to submit a specimen
- Submit the completed requisition form with specimen that must include all of the following items
- Patient's name, gender and birthday
- Specimen collection date
- Referring clinic or physician name and contact information, including fax number (email for international clinicians)
- Clinical history and findings (attach clinical notes)
- Clearly marked name of test requested
- Pre-payment - check or major credit card accepted, we do not bill insurance
Note: A specimen will not be processed without a fully completed requisition form.
Specimen requirements
- Please do not send or freeze whole blood
- Draw blood in red top tubes (serum gel tubes are also acceptable)
- Spin down and send serum in plastic vials
- Serum (3 to 5 ml) ″Fluids (0.5 ml)
- Serum can be stored in a refrigerator no longer than 7 days until shipping
- Do not ship on Friday
Anticipated turnaround time for routine cases is two to four weeks.
Specimen can be shipped refrigerated with cold packs or at ambient temperature together with the complete test requisition form and pre-payment by overnight mail to:
Dr. Grazyna Adamus
Ocular Immunology Laboratory, OHSU
Biomedical Research Building, Room 253
3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road
Portland, OR 97239, USA
Phone: 503-418-2543
Fax: 503-418-2541