
Accreditation is a process of validation in which colleges, universities and other institutions of higher learning are evaluated. Accreditation is a measure of quality and a demonstration of OHSU's commitment to continuous improvement. A successful evaluation is important for ensuring OHSU can continue offering the specialized programs it's known for, federal financial aid for students and a desirable place for students to transfer to.
OHSU's out-of-state authorization information, including information on licensure, is also readily available including information on OHSU's participation in NC-SARA.
OHSU maintains continuous accreditation by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities. The standards for accreditation are set by a peer review board whose members include faculty from various accredited colleges and universities. See OHSU's specialized accreditations by program.
OHSU is evaluated by the NWCCU at several points over a seven-year period:
Year Seven Self-evaluation Report (2022)
- OHSU submitted its self-study report that includes content and supporting documentation that examined how it met NWCCU's accreditation standards
- OHSU has defined Mission Fulfillment with Indicators of Effectiveness on the Institutional Effectiveness webpage
- NWCCU evaluates OHSU against standards and identifies areas of strength and weakness
- Included a visit by NWCCU evaluators which was on October 24-26, 2022
Year Seven Evaluation of Institutional Effectiveness
February 2023: OHSU's accreditation status is reaffirmed by NWCCU
Year Six Self-evaluation Report (2021)
- Report addresses Policies, Regulations, and Financial Review
- Confirmation of Eligibility Requirements
- Commission review without a site visit
- Submitted September 15, 2021
Year Six Policies, Regulations and Financial Review Report - Please note, this report contains links to other documents. Ensure you download this file and open in a non-browser PDF viewer for full functionality.
Year Six Supplemental Information Standard 2.G.2
February 2022: NWCCU Year 6: Policies, Regulations, and Financial Review Letter
Mid-Cycle Report and Addendum (2018)
- Submitted in year three
- Self-Evaluation Report focuses on how OHSU assesses student learning
- Reviewers visit OHSU
- Purpose is to determine readiness for Year Seven
January 2019: NWCCU acknowledges OHSU's Mid-Cycle Report
Year One Self-Evaluation Report (2016)
- Report addresses Mission and Core Themes
- No visit by reviewers
NWCCU Upcoming activity
Future Evaluations
• Mid-Cycle Review Fall 2025
• Year 6 - Standard 2 - Policies, Regulations, and Financial Review Fall 2028
• Year 7 - Evaluation of Institutional Effectiveness Fall 2029
Commendations from NWCCU
In its reaffirmation of accreditation in 2023, the commission gave OHSU three commendations.
The Commission commends Oregon Health and Science University for:
- Their collaborative engagement across all sectors of the institution.
- Its commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and to its commitment to eliminating institutional and structural racism, through allocation of human and fiscal resources.
- Well-developed assessment processes, the assessment academy, and its recognition of assessment excellence through the Provost's Assessment Awards.