Education at OHSU

Scholarships and Grants

Four students walk outside on the OHSU campus on a sunny day.

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Each school offers its own scholarships and application process. 

OHSU President’s Fund Scholarship

Award amount: Full tuition and fees throughout the normal length of your program

Who is considered: Students entering specific degree programs in health care.

All applicants are automatically considered for this scholarship. You do not need to apply.

Qualifying programs

  • School of Nursing: All nursing programs
  • School of Medicine: M.D. 
  • School of Dentistry: D.M.D. 
  • Health professions
    • Physician assistant 
    • Medical physics 
    • Radiation therapy 
    • Graduate programs in human nutrition

OHSU Provost Excellence Scholarship

Award amount: Half of your tuition and fees throughout the normal length of your program

Who is considered: Students entering specific degree programs in health care.

All applicants are automatically considered for this scholarship. You do not need to apply.

Qualifying programs

  • School of Nursing
    • B.S. in Nursing
    • Master of Nursing Education
    • Doctor of Nursing Practice
    • Ph.D. in Nursing
  • School of Dentistry: D.M.D.
  • School of Public Health:
    • Master of Public Health
    • Master of Science in Biostatistics
    • Ph.D.
  • Health professions:
    • Physician assistant
    • Medical physics
    • Radiation therapy
    • Graduate programs in human nutrition

OHSU Provost Workforce Development Scholarships

Who receives this: 

  • Accelerated B.S. in nursing students at the Ashland campus starting in 2025-26 receive $5,000 toward tuition and fees, disbursed during the 2025-26 academic year. 
  • B.S. in nursing (3-year) students at the Monmouth campus starting in 2025-26 receive $12,000 toward tuition and fees, disbursed evenly over three academic years ($4,000 per year).
  • RN to B.S. students starting in the summer 2025, fall 2025, winter 2026 or spring 2026 receive $2,000 toward tuition and fees, distributed during the 2025-26 academic year.
  • M.P.H. in Public Health Practice (online) students starting in fall 2025 receive $12,000 total toward tuition and fees, evenly distributed over the 2025-26 and 2026-27 academic years ($6,000 per year).
  • Medical Physics students starting in fall 2025 or fall 2026 receive $20,000 total toward tuition and fees ($10,000 per academic year for a maximum of two academic years).

Students awarded the Provost Excellence Scholarship or the President's Fund Scholarship are not eligible for these awards.

How to apply: All new students in these programs automatically receive these scholarships. You do not need to apply.

OHSU Scholars for a Healthy Oregon Initiative

Award amount: Full tuition and fees throughout the length of your program

Who is considered: Students from Oregon entering specific clinical degree programs. In return, students agree to practice in a rural or underserved community for the first few years of their career.

Learn more about the Scholars for a Healthy Oregon Initiative.

Outside scholarships

Oregon Office of Student Access and Completion (OSAC) scholarships

Award amount: $1,000 to $10,000 or more

Deadline: April 1; submit as soon as possible after Nov. 1.

One application includes over 600 scholarships available to both graduate and undergraduate students. Some scholarships are specific to health care programs and not all scholarships require Oregon residency.

Apply for OSAC scholarships.

If you are an Oregon resident with undocumented status, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals status, Temporary Protected Status or a valid U visa, you may be able to apply for OSAC Scholarships through the Oregon Student Aid Application.

Get information about the Oregon Student Aid Application.

Oregon Tribal Student Grant

Award amount: Varies 

Deadline: Varies; submit as soon as possible after Oct. 1. 

Who is considered: Students enrolled as a member of a recognized Oregon tribe may be eligible to apply for the Oregon Tribal Student Grant. 

Get information about the Oregon Tribal Student Grant.

National Health Service Corps (NHSC) Scholarship Program

Award amount: Up to $120,000, plus a monthly stipend

Deadline: April 4

Who is considered: Students attending or accepted to attend OHSU full-time in specific degree programs who also commit to serving in an underserved area after graduating.

Learn about NHSC Scholarship Program eligibility requirements.

Additional scholarships

ADEA scholarships, awards and fellowships

$500 to $5,500 
Explore ADEA scholarships, awards and fellowships.

American Association of Colleges of Nursing scholarships

$500 to $7,000 
Explore American Association of Colleges of Nursing scholarships.

American Indian College Fund scholarships

Explore American Indian College Fund scholarships.

American Medical Women’s Association awards, scholarships and fellowships

$250 to $1,000 
Explore American Medical Women’s Association scholarships.

AMA Foundation Physicians of Tomorrow scholarship

Explore the AMA Foundation Physicians of Tomorrow scholarship.

Asian Pacific Fund scholarships

$1,000 to $5,000 
Explore Asian Pacific Fund scholarships.

ASPPH scholarship and financial aid opportunities

Amount varies
Explore ASPPH scholarship and financial aid opportunities.

Herbert W. Nickens medical student scholarships

Explore Herbert W. Nickens medical student scholarships.

National Hispanic Health Professionals scholarship

$2,000 to $5,000 
Explore the National Hispanic Health Professionals scholarship.

National Medical Fellowships Scholarships & Awards

$1,000 to $25,000 
Explore the National Medical Fellowships Scholarships & Awards.

Tylenol Future Care scholarship

Explore the Tylenol Future Care scholarship.

United Negro College Fund

Amount varies 
Explore the United Negro College Fund.

Scholarship searches

  • Fastweb: a database where you can search more than 1.5 million scholarships, grants, loans and fellowships
  • BigFuture: a database of scholarships from over 24,000 programs

Federal and state grants

Note: Federal and state grants do not cover graduate students or undergraduate students pursuing their second bachelor’s degree. 

Federal Pell grants

Federal Pell grants are available to undergraduate students who have significant financial need and are working toward their first bachelor's degree. The government calculates eligibility for Pell grants based on a federally mandated formula. The amount of the Pell grant depends on many factors, including the applicant's financial situation, federal funding levels, the cost of education and the number of credit hours taken each quarter. To receive the full Pell grant amount, you must enroll in at least 12 credits, which is considered full-time for undergraduate programs.
Beginning with the 2012-13, all students may receive a Pell grant (if they otherwise qualify) for a maximum period of 12 semesters or the equivalent. Pell grants are reported to the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS), the U.S. Department of Education's central database for student aid. NSLDS receives data from schools, guaranty agencies, the Direct Loan program and other Department of Education programs. NSLDS Student Access provides a centralized, integrated view of Title IV loans and grants, allowing recipients to access and inquire about their Title IV loans and grant data. Students can access this information on the NSLDS site. Other authorized users, determined by the U.S. Department of Education, can also access this information. This system contains personal information protected by the Privacy Act of 1974 (as amended).  Authorized users are bound by the act's requirements and acknowledge the possible criminal and civil penalties for violation of the Act.

Learn more about Federal Pell grants.  

Visit the National Student Loan Data System

Fill out your FAFSA

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant

As an undergraduate student working toward your first bachelor's degree, you may be eligible for Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants. The federal government offers these grants to students with great financial need. 

Get more information about the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant.

Oregon Opportunity Grant

The State of Oregon provides funds to Oregon residents enrolled in an undergraduate program and working toward their first bachelor's degree. Eligibility is determined by the Office of Student Access and Completion based on information from the FAFSA.

Get information for the Oregon Opportunity Grant.

If you are an Oregon resident with undocumented status, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals status, Temporary Protected Status or a valid U visa, you may be able to apply for the Oregon Opportunity Grant through the Oregon Student Aid Application.

Get information on the Oregon Student Aid Application.